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Hot Issue meaning in Urdu

Hot Issue Synonym

Hot Issue Definitions

1) Hot Issue, Hot Stock : حصص کی ابتدائی نیلامی : (noun) newly issued stock that is in great public demand.


Useful Words

Bring Out : شائع کرنا , Common Stock Equivalent : حصص کا متبادل , Common Shares : ادنی درجے کا حصہ , Enjoin : حکم دینا , Edition : شمارہ , Cut : جاری کرنا , Hand : طرف , Reissue : دوبارہ جاری کرنا , Decree : حکم جاری کرنا , Challenge : للکارنا , Bet : داو پر لگانا , Ensue : نتیجہ نکلنا , Afield : نکتے سے دور , Dictate : حکم جاری کرنا , Quodlibet : سنجیدہ بحث , Irrelevant : غیر متعلقہ , Relevant : متعلقہ , Carry Out : کسی نتیجے پر پہنچا کر دم لینا , Arbiter : قاضی , Gut Issue : جذباتی معاملہ , Straw Poll : غیر سرکاری رائے شماری , Bias : تعصب , Licenser : اجازت دینے والا , Requisition : مطالبہ , Stock : حصص کا سرمایہ , Overstock : سرمایہ یا مال حد سے زیادہ ہونا , Hearing : سماعت , Bourse : بازار حصص , Repertory : ذخیرہ , Stockpot : یخنی تیار کرنے اور محفوظ کرنے والا برتن , Chicken Broth : مرغی کا شوربا

Useful Words Definitions

Bring Out: prepare and issue for public distribution or sale.

Common Stock Equivalent: preferred stock or convertible bonds or warrants that can be converted into common stock.

Common Shares: stock other than preferred stock; entitles the owner to a share of the corporation`s profits and a share of the voting power in shareholder elections.

Enjoin: issue an injunction.

Edition: an issue of a newspaper.

Cut: make out and issue.

Hand: one of two sides of an issue.

Reissue: issue (a new version of).

Decree: issue a decree.

Challenge: issue a challenge to.

Bet: stake on the outcome of an issue.

Ensue: issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end.

Afield: off the subject; beyond the point at issue.

Dictate: issue commands or orders for.

Quodlibet: an issue that is presented for formal disputation.

Irrelevant: having no bearing on or connection with the subject at issue.

Relevant: having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue.

Carry Out: pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue.

Arbiter: someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue.

Gut Issue: an issue that elicits strong emotional reactions.

Straw Poll: an unofficial vote taken to determine opinion on some issue.

Bias: a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation.

Licenser: an official who can issue a license or give authoritative permission (especially one who licenses publications).

Requisition: the act of requiring; an authoritative request or demand, especially by a military or public authority that takes something over (usually temporarily) for military or public use.

Stock: the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity).

Overstock: stock excessively.

Hearing: (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence.

Bourse: the stock exchange in Paris.

Repertory: a storehouse where a stock of things is kept.

Stockpot: a pot used for preparing soup stock.

Chicken Broth: a stock made with chicken.

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