House Of Windsor House Of War House Of Tudor House Of Repres... House Of Prosti... House Of Prayer House Of Lords House Of Lancaster House Of Worship House Of York House Organ House Paint House Painter House Painting House Party House Physician House Servant House Sitter House Snake House Sparrow

House Of Worship meaning in Urdu

House Of Worship Synonyms


House Of Worship Definitions

1) House Of Worship, House Of God, House Of Prayer, Place Of Worship : عبادت گاہ : (noun) any building where congregations gather for prayer.

Useful Words

Bethel : عبادت کی جگہ , Houses Of Parliament : ایوانوں کی عمارت , Chalet : پہاڑی بنگلہ , Temple : مندر , Curtilage : گھر سے متصل زمین , Barrack : سپاہیوں کی رہائش کی جگہ , Idol Worship : بت پرستی کرنا , Manufactured Home : متحرک گھر , Void : خالی کرنا , Chapel : عبادت گاہ , Transit : عبور کرنا , Church : عیسائیوں کی عبادت گاہ , Synagogue : یہودیوں کی عبادت گاہ , Mosque : مسجد , Home Buyer : گھر خریدنے والا , Boarder : کرایہ دار , Icehouse : برف خانہ , Housemate : ہوسٹل کا ساتھی , Ask Over : دعوت دینا , Housetop : چھت , Maisonette : چھوٹا گھر , Houseful : گھر بھر , Welcome : استقبال کرنا , Hall : حویلی , Common Mosquito : عام مچھر , Publican : شراب خانے والا , Door-To-Door : گھر گھر کی , Lodging House : وہ مکان جہاں کے کمرے کرایہ پر ہوں , Housedog : حفاظتی کتا , House Painting : رنگ کرنا , Houseroom : کمرہ

Useful Words Definitions

Bethel: a house of worship (especially one for sailors).

Houses Of Parliament: the building in which the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet.

Chalet: a Swiss house with a sloping roof and wide eaves or a house built in this style.

Temple: place of worship consisting of an edifice for the worship of a deity.

Curtilage: the enclosed land around a house or other building.

Barrack: a building or group of buildings used to house military personnel.

Idol Worship: the worship of idols; the worship of images that are not God.

Manufactured Home: a large house trailer that can be connected to utilities and can be parked in one place and used as permanent housing.

Void: clear (a room, house, place) of occupants or empty or clear (a place or receptacle) of something.

Chapel: a place of worship that has its own altar.

Transit: pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place).

Church: a place for public (especially Christian) worship.

Synagogue: (Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation.

Mosque: (Islam) a Muslim place of worship that usually has a minaret.

Home Buyer: someone buying a house.

Boarder: a tenant in someone's house.

Icehouse: a house for storing ice.

Housemate: someone who resides in the same house with you.

Ask Over: invite someone to one's house.

Housetop: the roof of a house.

Maisonette: a small house.

Houseful: as many as a house will accommodate.

Welcome: receive someone, as into one's house.

Hall: a large and imposing house.

Common Mosquito: common house mosquito.

Publican: the keeper of a public house.

Door-To-Door: omitting no one; from the door of one house to that of the next.

Lodging House: a house where rooms are rented.

Housedog: a dog trained to guard a house.

House Painting: the occupation of a house painter.

Houseroom: space for accommodation in a house.

Related Words

Building : عمارت , Shrine : مزار

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