Imperiously Imperious Imperil Imperially Imperialistic Imperialist Imperialism Imperial Gallon Imperiousness Imperishability Imperishable Imperishableness Imperishingness Imperium Impermanent Impermeable Impermissibility Impermissible Impersonal Impersonate

Imperiousness meaning in Urdu

Imperiousness Synonyms


Imperiousness Definitions

1) Imperiousness, Domineeringness, Overbearingness : غالبیت, جبریت, غرور : (noun) the trait of being imperious and overbearing.

Useful Words

Imperiously : تحکمانہ طور پر , Dignitary : بہت اہم شخصیت , Arrogance : غرور , Arrogant : مغرور , Earnestness : سنجیدہ دماغی , Firmness : ثابت قدمی , Impishness : شرارت , Amenability : تعاون کرنے کی خاصیت , Adventurousness : جسارت , Distrust : بے اعتمادی کرنا , Communicativeness : بات پہنچانے کی خاصیت , Uncommunicativeness : خاموشی , Recalcitrance : کٹر پن , Involuntariness : ناخوشی , Frankness : صاف گوئی , Compulsiveness : مجبوری , Effeminacy : زنانہ پن , Brutality : سفاکی , Humorousness : مسخراپن , Immodesty : مغرور ہونے کا خاصہ , Sedateness : سنجیدگی , Thriftlessness : ضیاع , Moderation : پرہیز , Impenitence : ناپشیمانی , Cowardice : بزدلی , Chariness : ہوشیاری , Brashness : جلد بازی , Extravagance : فضول خرچی , Mulishness : اڑیل پن , Trust : اعتبار , Bawdiness : فحاشی

Useful Words Definitions

Imperiously: in an imperious manner.

Dignitary: an important or influential (and often overbearing) person.

Arrogance: overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors.

Arrogant: having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride.

Earnestness: the trait of being serious.

Firmness: the trait of being resolute.

Impishness: the trait of behaving like an imp.

Amenability: the trait of being cooperative.

Adventurousness: the trait of being adventurous.

Distrust: the trait of not trusting others.

Communicativeness: the trait of being communicative.

Uncommunicativeness: the trait of being uncommunicative.

Recalcitrance: the trait of being unmanageable.

Involuntariness: the trait of being unwilling.

Frankness: the trait of being blunt and outspoken.

Compulsiveness: the trait of acting compulsively.

Effeminacy: the trait of being effeminate (derogatory of a man).

Brutality: the trait of extreme cruelty.

Humorousness: the trait of merry joking.

Immodesty: the trait of being vain and conceited.

Sedateness: a trait of dignified seriousness.

Thriftlessness: the trait of wasting resources.

Moderation: the trait of avoiding excesses.

Impenitence: the trait of refusing to repent.

Cowardice: the trait of lacking courage.

Chariness: the trait of being cautious and watchful.

Brashness: the trait of being rash and hasty.

Extravagance: the trait of spending extravagantly.

Mulishness: the trait of being difficult to handle or overcome.

Trust: the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others.

Bawdiness: the trait of behaving in an obscene manner.
