Ingratiatory Ingratiate Ingrate Ingrained Ingloriously Inglorious Ingestion Ingest Ingratitude Ingredient Ingress Ingroup Ingrowing Ingrown Ingurgitate Inhabit Inhabitable Inhabitancy Inhabitant Inhabitation

Ingratitude meaning in Urdu

Ingratitude Sentence

Ingratitude is a sin.

Ingratitude Synonym


Ingratitude Definitions

Useful Words

Appreciation : تحسین , Acknowledge : شکریہ ادا کرنا , Ingrate : نمک حرام , Thank You : آپ کا شکریہ , Thankless : ناشکرا , Grateful : احسان مند , Appreciate : داد دینا , Appreciativeness : قدر دانی , Give Thanks : شکریہ ادا کرنا , Indebted : احسان مند , Inattention : عدم توجہ , Inelasticity : بے لچک پن , Disharmony : بے آہنگی , Chasteness : سادگی , Failure : ناکام ہونا , Artless : اناڑی , Unkindness : بے رحمی , Diffidence : خود اعتمادی کا فقدان , Provincialism : صوبائیت , Chilliness : سرد مہری , Discord : اختلاف , Simple Mindedness : سادگی , Immature : ناپختہ , Naiveness : سادگی , Insolvency : دیوالیہ پن , Apathetic : بے حس , Ignorance : جہالت , Indifferent : بے تعصب , Childish : بچوں جیسا , Discourtesy : بے عزتی , Pusillanimously : بزدلی سے

Useful Words Definitions

Appreciation: an expression of gratitude.

Acknowledge: express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for.

Ingrate: a person who shows no gratitude.

Thank You: a conversational expression of gratitude.

Thankless: not feeling or showing gratitude.

Grateful: feeling or showing gratitude.

Appreciate: recognize with gratitude; be grateful for.

Appreciativeness: warm friendly feelings of gratitude.

Give Thanks: express gratitude or show appreciation to.

Indebted: owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors etc.

Inattention: lack of attention.

Inelasticity: the lack of elasticity.

Disharmony: a lack of harmony.

Chasteness: lack of ornamentation.

Failure: lack of success.

Artless: showing lack of art.

Unkindness: lack of sympathy.

Diffidence: lack of self-confidence.

Provincialism: a lack of sophistication.

Chilliness: a lack of affection or enthusiasm.

Discord: lack of agreement or harmony.

Simple Mindedness: a lack of penetration or subtlety.

Immature: characteristic of a lack of maturity.

Naiveness: lack of sophistication or worldliness.

Insolvency: the lack of financial resources.

Apathetic: marked by a lack of interest.

Ignorance: the lack of knowledge or education.

Indifferent: characterized by a lack of partiality.

Childish: indicating a lack of maturity.

Discourtesy: an expression of lack of respect.

Pusillanimously: with a lack of courage and determination.

Related Words

Feeling : احساس

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