Inopportunely Inopportune Inoperable Inoffensive Inoculator Inoculate Innumerous Innumerableness Inordinate Inordinately Inordinateness Inorganic Inosculate Inpatient Input Inquest Inquietude Inquire Inquirer Inquiringly

Inordinate meaning in Urdu

Inordinate Sentence

A video of inordinate length.

Inordinate Synonyms


Inordinate Definitions

1) Inordinate, Excessive, Undue, Unreasonable : ناجائز کی حد تک, حد سے زیادہ : (satellite adjective) beyond normal limits.

Useful Words

Crazy : دیوانہ , Moderate : مناسب , Excessively : حد سے زیادہ , Circumscribed : حد بند , Fleece : زیادہ دام لینا , Unduly : حد سے زیادہ , Arrogate : بے جا مطالبہ کرنا , Impartial : غیر جانب دار , Negligent : غیر محتاط , Oppressor : ظالم , Brainish : بے سمجھے , Immoderate : ضرورت سے زیادہ , Range : رسائی , Hyperthyroidism : گلھڑ کا مرض , Crucify : محدود رکھنا , Limitless : حد کے بغیر , Limitation : رکاوٹ , Bounded : محدود , Overstep : حد سے تجاوز کرنا , Bottomless : لامحدود , Open-Ended : لامحدود , Cloudy : دھندلا , Bound : حد مقرر کرنا , Bound : حد , Illimitable : لامحدود , Restraint : پابندی , Antidiuretic : پیشاب کم کرنےکی دوا , Surpassing : افضل , Transcendence : برتری , Excess : تجاوز , Internal : اندرونی

Useful Words Definitions

Crazy: possessed by inordinate excitement.

Moderate: being within reasonable or average limits; not excessive or extreme.

Excessively: to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits.

Circumscribed: subject to limits or subjected to limits.

Fleece: rip off; ask an unreasonable price.

Unduly: to an undue degree.

Arrogate: make undue claims to having.

Impartial: free from undue bias or preconceived opinions.

Negligent: characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.

Oppressor: a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures.

Brainish: characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation.

Immoderate: beyond reasonable limits.

Range: the limits within which something can be effective.

Hyperthyroidism: an overactive thyroid gland; pathologically excessive production of thyroid hormones or the condition resulting from excessive production of thyroid hormones.

Crucify: hold within limits and control.

Limitless: having no limits in range or scope.

Limitation: a principle that limits the extent of something.

Bounded: having the limits or boundaries established.

Overstep: pass beyond (limits or boundaries).

Bottomless: having no apparent limits or bounds.

Open-Ended: without fixed limits or restrictions.

Cloudy: lacking definite form or limits.

Bound: place limits on (extent or access).

Bound: a line determining the limits of an area.

Illimitable: without limits in extent or size or quantity.

Restraint: a rule or condition that limits freedom.

Antidiuretic: a drug that limits the formation of urine.

Surpassing: exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence.

Transcendence: a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience.

Excess: immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits.

Internal: happening or arising or located within some limits or especially surface.

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