Inutile Inundation Inundated Inundate Inunction Intumescent Intumescency Intumescence Inutility Invade Invader Invading Invaginate Invalid Invalidate Invalidator Invalidism Invaluable Invaluableness Invariable

Inutility meaning in Urdu

Inutility Synonyms


Inutility Definitions

1) Inutility, Unusefulness, Uselessness : ناکارہ چیز, لا حاصل : (noun) the quality of having no practical use.

Useful Words

Futility : بے حاصلی , Usefulness : سہولت , Sensibleness : ادراک , Impractical : غیر عملی , Down-To-Earth : حقیقت پسندانہ , Expedient : مناسب , Practically : عملی طور پر , Applicative : عملی , Prudence : ہوشیاری , Common Sense : سمجھ , Corollary : منطقی نتیجہ , Airy : ناقابل عمل , Cut-Up : مذاق میں دھوکہ دینے والا , Utensil : گھریلو استعمال کے آلات , Utilizable : قابل استعمال , Inexperienced : اناڑی , Astute : ذی شعور , Quixotic : شیخ چلی , Technique : اسلوب , Craft : دستکاری , Decency : معقولیت , Call : کہنا , Ability : صلاحیت , Engineering : فنیات , Applied Scientist : ماہر فنیات , Academic : علمی , Abstract : بے مقصد , Slapstick : تماشہ , All Fools' Day : بےوقوف بنانے کا دن , Effectuation : تکمیل , Extravert : لوگوں میں گھلنے ملنے والا

Useful Words Definitions

Futility: uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result.

Usefulness: the quality of being of practical use.

Sensibleness: the quality of showing good sense or practical judgment.

Impractical: not practical; not workable or not given to practical matters.

Down-To-Earth: sensible and practical.

Expedient: appropriate to a purpose; practical.

Practically: in a practical manner.

Applicative: readily applicable or practical.

Prudence: discretion in practical affairs.

Common Sense: sound practical judgment.

Corollary: a practical consequence that follows naturally.

Airy: not practical or realizable; speculative.

Cut-Up: someone who plays practical jokes on others.

Utensil: an implement for practical use (especially in a household).

Utilizable: capable of being put to a profitable or practical use.

Inexperienced: lacking practical experience or training.

Astute: marked by practical hardheaded intelligence.

Quixotic: not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic.

Technique: a practical method or art applied to some particular task.

Craft: the skilled practice of a practical occupation.

Decency: the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality; the quality of being polite and respectable.

Call: ascribe a quality to or give a name of a common noun that reflects a quality.

Ability: the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment.

Engineering: the practical application of science to commerce or industry.

Applied Scientist: a person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.

Academic: hypothetical or theoretical and not expected to produce an immediate or practical result.

Abstract: dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention.

Slapstick: a boisterous comedy with chases and collisions and practical jokes.

All Fools' Day: the first day of April which is celebrated by playing practical jokes and trap people.

Effectuation: the act of implementing (providing a practical means for accomplishing something); carrying into effect.

Extravert: (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings.

Related Words

Quality : معیار , Impracticability : ناقابل عمل ہونا

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