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اِقراری : Iqrari Meaning in English

Iqrari Synonyms


Iqrari in Detail

1 of 4) اقراری : Affirmative : (noun) a reply of affirmation.

2 of 4) اقراری آفرین آمیز : Affirmative Approbative Approbatory Approving Plausive : (satellite adjective) expressing or manifesting praise or approval.

3 of 4) اقراری شرطی : Promissory : (adjective) relating to or having the character of a promise.

4 of 4) اقراری : Avowed Professed : (satellite adjective) openly declared as such.

Useful Words

توثیق : Affirmation : a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something.

منظوری : Approval : the formal act of approving. "At first the girl`s parents were against co education system but later they gave her approval to study in university".

حمد و ثنا : Praise : offering words of homage as an act of worship. "They sang a hymn of praise to God".

جواب : Answer : a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation. "Just answer me".

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