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جَدوجہَد کَرنے والا : Jaddojahad Karnay Wala Meaning in English

Jaddojahad Karnay Wala Sentence


Jaddojahad Karnay Wala in Detail

1 of 3) جدوجہد کرنے والا ہاتھ پاوں مارنے والا : Scrambler : (noun) a rapid mover; someone who scrambles.

2 of 3) جدوجہد کرنے والا : Struggler : (noun) a person who struggles with difficulties or with great effort.

3 of 3) جدوجہد کرنے والا : Hard Worker Slave Striver : (noun) someone who works as hard as a slave.

Useful Words

اقدام : Attempt : earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something. "Made an effort to cover all the reading material".

چٹخنے کی آواز : Bang-Up : a sudden sharp noise. "Stop Cracking Your Knuckles".

حرکت دینے والا : Mover : someone who moves.

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

تیز رفتار : Rapid : a part of a river where the current is very fast. "It is said that intelligent people give rapid answers to questions without thinking and they do it right in one go".

پھڈا : Scramble : an unceremonious and disorganized struggle.

جدوجہد : Battle : an energetic attempt to achieve something. "If you like this girl, keep struggling One day you will get her".

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