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جہاز راں : Jahaaz Ran Meaning in English


Jahaaz Ran in Detail

1 of 2) جہاز راں جہاز کا افسر : Navigator Sailing Master : (noun) the ship's officer in charge of navigation.

2 of 2) ملاح جہاز راں جہاز کے عملے کا رکن : Crewman Sailor : (noun) any member of a ship's crew.

Useful Words

الزام : Accusation : an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence. "The newspaper published accusations that minister was guilty of trespass".

رہبری : Navigation : the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place.

افسر : Military Officer : any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command. "An officer is responsible for the lives of his men".

بحری جہاز : Ship : a vessel that carries passengers or freight.

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