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جمع کرنا : Jama Karna Meaning in English

Jama Karna Synonyms


Jama Karna in Detail

1 of 12) جمع کرنا : Accumulate Amass Collect Compile Hoard Pile Up Roll Up : (verb) get or gather together.

2 of 12) جمع کرنا : Come Up Scrape Scrape Up Scratch : (verb) gather (money or other resources) together over time.

3 of 12) ذخیرہ کر نا جمع کرنا : Repositing Reposition Storage Warehousing : (noun) depositing in a warehouse.

4 of 12) جمع کرنا : Beat Up Drum Up Rally : (verb) gather.

5 of 12) جمع کرنا : Add Add Together Add Up Sum Sum Up Summate Tally Tot Tot Up Total Tote Up : (verb) determine the sum of.

6 of 12) ذخیرہ کرنا جمع کرنا : Reposit : (verb) put (something) in a place for storage.

8 of 12) جمع کرنا کمانا : Rake In Shovel In : (verb) earn large sums of money.

9 of 12) جمع کرنا : Hive : (verb) store, like bees.

10 of 12) جمع کرنا میزان معلوم کرنا : Totalise Totalize : (verb) make into a total.

12 of 12) چننا جمع کرنا : Cull Pick Pluck : (verb) look for and gather.

Useful Words

اکٹھا کرنا : Collect : assemble or get together. "Gather your other educational documents along with your resume before going for an interview".

سمجھنا : Catch : grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of. "Got something ?".

دولت : Money : the most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender. "It`s not about money".

قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".

ادھر : Over : at or to a point across intervening space etc.. "Come over and see us some time".

وسیلہ : Resource : available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed. "He wants to study and get a good job but he has no resources".

وقت : Time : a period of time considered as a resource under your control and sufficient to accomplish something. "What time do you get off of work?".

اکٹھے : Together : in each other`s company. "Can we have dinner together?".

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چائے میں چینی ملا دو