Ghair Mazrua Or...BanjarAndaruni Pasman...Taraqqi Na Hona...JamodFiaeyatZameen Ka Kurra...Nizam Shamsi Ki...Jhar Youn Wali ...SarhadRegistanNeem SheraNkhlhaLarai Ka MedanMedan JangWo Alaqa Jahan ...Maarka Khair O ...Baroodi Surango...Wo Jaga Jahan S...Nuqta Aaghaaz

جھاڑ یوں والی زمین : Jhar Youn Wali Zameen Meaning in English

Jhar Youn Wali Zameen in Detail

1) جھاڑ یوں والی زمین : Heath Heathland : (noun) a tract of level wasteland; uncultivated land with sandy soil and scrubby vegetation.


Useful Words

مار گرانا : Down : shoot at and force to come down. "Syria shot down Turkish aircraft".

برابر : Flat : having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another. "A flat desk".

بالوں کا رنگ : Flaxen : of hair color; pale yellowish to yellowish brown. "Flaxen locks".

درخت اور جھاڑیاں سے ڈھکا ہوا : Scrabbly : sparsely covered with stunted trees or vegetation and underbrush. "Open scrubby woods".

میلا کرنا : Begrime : make soiled, filthy, or dirty. "Don`t soil your clothes when you play outside!".

زمین کا قطعہ : Parcel : an extended area of land.

زمین جس پر کاشت نہ کی گئی ہو : Uncultivated : (of land or fields) not prepared for raising crops. "Uncultivated land".

نباتاتیہ : Botany : all the plant life in a particular region or period. "Pleistocene vegetation".

بنجر : Barren : an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation. "The barrens of central Africa".

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