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Keeping meaning in Urdu

Keeping Sentence

Keeping Synonyms


Keeping Definitions

1 of 3) Keeping : ہم آہنگ : (noun) conformity or harmony.

His behavior was not in keeping with the occasion.

2 of 3) Keeping, Guardianship, Safekeeping : اختیار, حفاظت سے رکھنے کا عمل : (noun) the responsibility of a guardian or keeper.

He left his car in my keeping.

3 of 3) Keeping, Holding, Retention : حراست : (noun) the act of retaining something.

Useful Words

Withholding : روکنا , Accordant : مطابق , Containment : روک , Seasonable : وقت اور موسم کے لحاظ سے موزوں , Concealing : پوشیدگی , Inappropriate : غیر مناسب , Confinement : پاپند کرنے کا عمل , Unseasonable : بے موسم , Record-Keeper : قلمبند کرنے والا , Cleanliness : صفائی پسندی , Notepad : لکھنے والا کاغذ , Dry-Shod : خشک پاپوش والا , Secrecy : راز داری , Chicken Run : مرغی پالنے کی جگہ , File : فائل میں لگانا , Bank : تجوری , Avoidance : اجتناب , Tantalize : ترسانا , Cost Accounting : لاگت شماری , Indecent : نامناسب , One-Upmanship : مسابقت کا رحجان , Invigilation : امتحانی کمرے میں نگرانی کرنا , Grave : صوفی , Stealer : چور , File : دراز , Horologe : وقت جانچنے کا آلہ , Hot Plate : گرم تھالی , Aquarium : مچھلیاں وغیرہ رکھنے کا شیشہ دار حوض , Quipu : حسابی رسی , Banking : بینکنگ کا پیشہ , Providence : پروردگاری

Useful Words Definitions

Withholding: the act of holding back or keeping within your possession or control.

Accordant: in keeping.

Containment: the act of containing; keeping something from spreading.

Seasonable: in keeping with the season.

Concealing: the activity of keeping something secret.

Inappropriate: not in keeping with what is correct or proper.

Confinement: the act of keeping something within specified bounds (by force if necessary).

Unseasonable: not in keeping with (and usually undesirable for) the season.

Record-Keeper: someone responsible for keeping records.

Cleanliness: diligence in keeping clean.

Notepad: a pad of paper for keeping notes.

Dry-Shod: having or keeping the feet or shoes dry.

Secrecy: the trait of keeping things secret.

Chicken Run: an enclosed yard for keeping poultry.

File: place in a container for keeping records.

Bank: a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home.

Avoidance: deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happening.

Tantalize: To excite (another) by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach.

Cost Accounting: keeping account of the costs of items in production.

Indecent: not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society.

One-Upmanship: the practice of keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor.

Invigilation: keeping watch over examination candidates to prevent cheating.

Grave: dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises.

Stealer: a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it.

File: office furniture consisting of a container for keeping papers in order.

Horologe: a measuring instrument or device for keeping time such as clock or sundial.

Hot Plate: a portable electric appliance for heating or cooking or keeping food warm.

Aquarium: a tank or pool or bowl filled with water for keeping live fish and underwater animals.

Quipu: calculator consisting of a cord with attached cords; used by ancient Peruvians for calculating and keeping records.

Banking: engaging in the business of keeping money for savings and checking accounts or for exchange or for issuing loans and credit etc.

Providence: the guardianship and control exercised by a deity.

Related Words

Ownership : ملکیت , Storage : ذخیرہ اندوزی , Custody : قبضہ , Duty : فرض , Abidance : مطابقت

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