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خالی ورق کِتاب کے شُروع اور آخِر کا : Khali Warq Kitab Kay Shuru Or Aakhir Ka Meaning in English

Khali Warq Kitab Kay Shuru Or Aakhir Ka in Detail

1) خالی ورق کتاب کے شروع اور آخر کا : Flyleaf : (noun) a blank leaf in the front or back of a book.


Useful Words

پیچھے : Back : at or to or toward the back or rear. "Get back".

کورا : Blank : (of a surface) not written or printed on. "Blank pages".

کتاب : Book : a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together). "Which book is this quote from?".

سامنے : Front : the immediate proximity of someone or something. "Get out of my front".

پتا : Foliage : the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants. "The leaves are falling down".

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