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خانہ بدوش : Khana Badosh Meaning in English

Khana Badosh Synonyms


Khana Badosh in Detail

1 of 5) خانہ بدوش بنجارا جس کی کوئی مستقل رہائش نہ ہو : Drifter Floater Vagabond Vagrant : (noun) a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support.

2 of 5) خانہ بدوش : Mobile Nomadic Peregrine Roving Wandering : (satellite adjective) migratory.

3 of 5) بدوی خانہ بدوش : Bedouin Beduin : (noun) a member of a nomadic tribe of Arabs.

4 of 5) خانہ بدوش : Gipsy Gypsy Itinerant : (noun) a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment.

5 of 5) بے بنیاد خانہ بدوش آوارہ : Rootless Vagabond : (satellite adjective) wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community.

Useful Words

مانا ہوا : Constituted : brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established. "The established social order".

کمینہ : Bastardly : of no value or worth. "Her mother live with another man in US and harass her as well, he is so mean".

مہاجر : Migrant : habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work. "Appalled by the social conditions of migrant life".

انکار : No : a negative. "No buddy".

ٹھکانا : Abode : any address at which you dwell more than temporarily. "A person can have several residences".

سہارا دینا : Support : the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities. "His support kept the family together".

دیکھنے کے قابل : Seeable : capable of being seen; or open to easy view. "A visible object".

آوارہ : Bird Of Passage : someone who leads a wandering unsettled life. "He proposed her but she rejected his proposal as she already knew that he is only a roamer".

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