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ختم کرنا : Khatam Karna Meaning in English

Khatam Karna Sentence

Khatam Karna Synonyms


Khatam Karna in Detail

2 of 16) مٹانا ختم کرنا خارج کرنا : Cancel Delete : (verb) remove or make invisible.

3 of 16) ختم کرنا : Crush Out Extinguish Press Out Stub Out : (verb) extinguish by crushing.

4 of 16) مٹانا ختم کرنا : Efface Obliterate : (verb) remove completely from recognition or memory.

5 of 16) ختم کرنا : Do Away With Eliminate Extinguish Get Rid Of : (verb) terminate, end, or take out.

6 of 16) ختم کرنا : End Terminate : (verb) bring to an end or halt.

7 of 16) ختم کرنا مکمل کرنا : Complete Finish : (verb) come or bring to a finish or an end.

8 of 16) ختم کرنا : Break Interrupt : (verb) terminate.

9 of 16) مٹانا ختم کرنا : Kill Obliterate Wipe Out : (verb) mark for deletion, rub off, or erase.

10 of 16) منسوخ کرنا ختم کرنا اہمیت کم کرنا : Belittle Denigrate Derogate Minimize : (verb) cause to seem less serious; play down.

11 of 16) ختم کرنا مٹا دینا : Exterminate Kill Off : (verb) kill en masse; kill on a large scale; kill many.

12 of 16) تمام کھانا کھانا ختم کرنا : Eat Up Finish Polish Off : (verb) finish eating all the food on one's plate or on the table.

13 of 16) ختم کرنا شکست دینا : Knock Out : (verb) eliminate.

14 of 16) بند کر دینا ختم کرنا : Discontinue : (verb) come to or be at an end.

15 of 16) ختم کرنا : Ax Axe : (verb) terminate.

16 of 16) ختم کرنا : Play Out : (verb) play to a finish.

Useful Words

کامیاب منتقلی : Completion : (American football) a successful forward pass in football.

پوشیدہ : Invisible : impossible or nearly impossible to see; imperceptible by the eye. "The invisible man".

بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".

روکنا : Forbid : keep from happening or arising; make impossible. "Tight security was in place to prevent the attack on the president`s arrival".

نکالنا : Remove : remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract. "Why I was removed?".

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