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Legal Residence meaning in Urdu

Legal Residence Sentence

What`s his legal residence in karachi.

Legal Residence Synonym

Legal Residence Definitions

1) Legal Residence, Domicile : مستقل رہائش : (noun) (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return; every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time.


Useful Words

Absentee : غیر حاضر , Hometown : آبائی علاقہ , Residentially : رہایشی انداز سے , Locate : بسنا , Convent : خانقاہ , Monastery : خانقا , Emigrate : ہجرت کرنا , Ban : در بدر کر دینا , Move : کسی گھر یا کاروبار کو ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ منتقل کرنا , Residential : رہایشی , Gatehouse : چوکی , Patio : آنگن , Cloister : خانقاہ , Vatican : پایائی , Move : ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ جانا , Bath : غسل خانہ , Consulate : سفارتخانہ , Housemother : آیا , Drifter : خانہ بدوش , Root : پر سکون ہو جانا , Parsonage : پارسن کی سرکاری رہائش گاہ , 's Gravenhage : ہیگ شہر , Priory : مسیحی خانقاہ , House Party : گھر کی دعوت , Attainder : تمام شہری حقوق سے محروم شخص , Manse : پادری کا مکان , Exile : ملک بدری , Judicial Proceeding : مقدمہ لڑنے کا عمل , Pleading : فریق مقدمہ کا بیان , Deed : دستاویز انتقال , Solicitor : درخواست گزار

Useful Words Definitions

Absentee: one that is absent or not in residence.

Hometown: the town (or city) where you grew up or where you have your principal residence.

Residentially: used as a residence.

Locate: take up residence and become established.

Convent: a religious residence especially for nuns.

Monastery: the residence of a religious community.

Emigrate: leave one's country of residence for a new one.

Ban: ban from a place of residence, as for punishment.

Move: the act of changing your residence or place of business.

Residential: used or designed for residence or limited to residences.

Gatehouse: a house built at a gateway; usually the gatekeeper's residence.

Patio: usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence.

Cloister: residence that is a place of religious seclusion (such as a monastery).

Vatican: the residence of the Catholic Pope in the Vatican City.

Move: change residence, affiliation, or place of employment.

Bath: a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet.

Consulate: diplomatic building that serves as the residence or workplace of a consul.

Housemother: a woman employed as a chaperon in a residence for young people.

Drifter: a wanderer who has no established residence or visible means of support.

Root: become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style.

Parsonage: an official residence provided by a church for its parson or vicar or rector.

's Gravenhage: the site of the royal residence and the de facto capital in the western part of the Netherlands; seat of the International Court of Justice.

Priory: religious residence in a monastery governed by a prior or a convent governed by a prioress.

House Party: a party lasting over one or more nights at the residence of the party`s host where medium to large groups of people gather .

Attainder: the legal status of a person who is alive but who has been deprived of the rights and privileges of a citizen or a member of society; the legal status of one sentenced to life imprisonment.

Manse: the residence of a clergyman (especially a Presbyterian clergyman).

Exile: a person who is voluntarily absent from home or country.

Judicial Proceeding: a legal proceeding in a court; a judicial contest to determine and enforce legal rights.

Pleading: (law) a statement in legal and logical form stating something on behalf of a party to a legal proceeding.

Deed: a legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it.

Solicitor: a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents.

Related Words

Jurisprudence : اصول , Abode : ٹھکانا

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