Liberalism Liberalise Liberalisation Liberal Arts Liberal Libelous Libellous Libeler Liberality Liberalization Liberalize Liberally Liberalness Liberate Liberation Liberator Liberian Libertarian Libertarianism Libertine

Liberality meaning in Urdu

Liberality Synonym

Liberality Definitions

1) Liberality, Liberalness : آزاد خیالی : (noun) an inclination to favor progress and individual freedom.


Useful Words

Largess : فراخ دلی , Favoritism : طرف داری , Partiality : بے جا طرف داری , Progressivism : ترقی پسندیت , Special Interest : خاص مفاد , Unitarianism : وحدت پسندی , Human Right : انسانی حقوق , Descent : خونی رشتہ , Leaning : جھکاو , Leaning : رغبت , Favor : حمایت , Desire : خواہش , Feel Like : جی چاہنا , Indirect Request : تمنا , Contentiousness : جھگڑالو پن , Heart : رغبت , Benevolence : فیاضی , Disapproval : نفرت کرنا , Sympathy : ہم دردی , Stoop : جھکنا , Narrow-Mindedness : تنگ نظری , Submissive : مان جانے والا , Disfavor : ناپسندیدگی , Orientation : رجحان , Combative : متنازع , Clinometer : نشیب پیما , Afoot : رواں , Black Book : بد کردار لوگوں کی فہرست , Accommodate : خدمت کرنا , Able-Bodiedism : طاقتور کے حق میں امتیاز , Pro : کسی تجویز پر دلائل

Useful Words Definitions

Largess: liberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit.

Favoritism: an inclination to favor some person or group.

Partiality: an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives.

Progressivism: the political orientation of those who favor progress toward better conditions in government and society.

Special Interest: an individual or group who are concerned with some particular part of the economy and who try to influence legislators or bureaucrats to act in their favor.

Unitarianism: Christian doctrine that stresses individual freedom of belief and rejects the Trinity.

Human Right: (law) any basic right or freedom to which all human beings are entitled and in whose exercise a government may not interfere (including rights to life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality before the law).

Descent: the kinship relation between an individual and the individual's progenitors.

Leaning: an inclination to do something.

Leaning: a natural inclination.

Favor: an inclination to approve.

Desire: an inclination to want things.

Feel Like: have an inclination for something or some activity.

Indirect Request: an expression of some desire or inclination.

Contentiousness: an inclination to be quarrelsome and contentious.

Heart: an inclination or tendency of a certain kind.

Benevolence: an inclination to do kind or charitable acts.

Disapproval: an inclination to withhold approval from some person or group.

Sympathy: an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion.

Stoop: an inclination of the top half of the body forward and downward.

Narrow-Mindedness: an inclination to criticize opposing opinions or shocking behavior.

Submissive: inclined or willing to submit to orders or wishes of others or showing such inclination.

Disfavor: the state of being out of favor.

Orientation: a predisposition in favor of something.

Combative: inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits.

Clinometer: an instrument used by surveyors in order to measure an angle of inclination or elevation.

Afoot: currently in progress.

Black Book: a list of people who are out of favor.

Accommodate: provide a service or favor for someone.

Able-Bodiedism: discrimination in favor of the able-bodied.

Pro: an argument in favor of a proposal.

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