Lighting Lighthouse Lightheartedness Lighthearted Lightheadedness Lightheaded Lighterman Lighterage Lightless Lightlessness Lightly Lightness Lightning Lightning Bug Lightproof Lightship Lightsome Lightsomely Lightsomeness Lightweight

Lightless meaning in Urdu

Lightless Sentences

Came up the lightless stairs.
Lightless stars `visible' only to radio antennae.

Lightless Synonyms


Lightless Definitions

1 of 2) Lightless : بے نور, روشنی کے بغیر : (satellite adjective) giving no light.

2 of 2) Lightless, Unilluminated, Unlighted, Unlit : بے نور : (satellite adjective) without illumination.

Useful Words

Running Light : پہلو سے آنے والی روشنی , Dark-Field Microscope : جدید خوردبین , Searchlight : سرچ لائٹ , Laser : روشنی کی تابش بڑھانے کا آلہ , Acer Saccharinum : چاندی میپل , Butternut : شمال امریکہ میں پایا جانے والا اخروٹ کا درخت , Gleam : کرن , Abandonment : دست برداری , Gift : دینے کا عمل , Big : فراخ دل , Advisory : مشورہ دینے والا , Exemplify : تشریح کرنا , Assuring : یقین دلاتی , Inoffensive : بے ضرر , Unsatisfactory : غیر اطمینان بخش , Redefinition : نئی تعریف , Advertent : چوکس , Satisfactory : اطمینان بخش , Descriptively : تفصیل کے لحاظ سے , Assistive : مددگار , Boost : دھکا , Advantageous : نفع بخش , Exhortative : ترغیب آمیز , Shove : دھکہ , Birth : جنا , Boost : مدد , Affirmative : مثبت , Cheeseparing : بخیل , Merciful : مہربان , Pleasing : اطمینان بخشنا , Exchange : ادل بدل کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Running Light: light carried by a boat that indicates the boat's direction; vessels at night carry a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow.

Dark-Field Microscope: light microscope that uses scattered light to show particles too small to see with ordinary microscopes.

Searchlight: a light source with reflectors that projects a beam of light in a particular direction.

Laser: an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation; an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light.

Acer Saccharinum: a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood.

Butternut: North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye.

Gleam: a flash of light (especially reflected light).

Abandonment: the act of giving something up.

Gift: the act of giving.

Big: given or giving freely.

Advisory: giving advice.

Exemplify: clarify by giving an example of.

Assuring: giving confidence.

Inoffensive: giving no offense.

Unsatisfactory: not giving satisfaction.

Redefinition: the act of giving a new definition.

Advertent: giving attention.

Satisfactory: giving satisfaction.

Descriptively: by giving a description.

Assistive: giving assistance.

Boost: the act of giving a push.

Advantageous: giving an advantage.

Exhortative: giving strong encouragement.

Shove: the act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something).

Birth: the process of giving birth.

Boost: the act of giving hope or support to someone.

Affirmative: affirming or giving assent.

Cheeseparing: giving or spending with reluctance.

Merciful: showing or giving mercy.

Pleasing: giving pleasure and satisfaction.

Exchange: the act of giving something in return for something received.

Related Words

Invisible : پوشیدہ

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