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Lithiasis meaning in Urdu

Lithiasis Definitions

1) Lithiasis : پتھری کا بننا : (noun) the formation of stones (calculi) in an internal organ.


Useful Words

Nephrocalcinosis : گردے کے مادے کے اندر بہت سے کلسی علاقے , Nephrolithiasis : گردے میں پتھری , Concretion : پتھری , Stoma : کوئی سوراخ , Enterolithiasis : آنت میں پتھریوں کی موجودگی ہونا , Calculous : پتھری کے مرض سے متعلق , Breadbasket : معدہ , Thrombosis : خون بستگی , Lapidate : پتھر مارنا , Gravelly : کنکری , Bouldered : پتھریلا , Quarry : معین پتھر یا ٹائل , Semiprecious : ہیرے اور یاقوت کے مقابلے میں کم قیمت , Rockiness : سختی , Lithuresis : پیشاب میں پتھر آنا , Crannied : دراڑوں والا , Lapidarist : جوہر تراشی , Pave : فرش بندی کرنا , Hill : ٹیلا , Catapult : منجنیق , Machicolation : فن تعمیر , Beetle : ہتھوڑے کی طرح , Shingle : چھوٹے چھوٹے پتھر , Line : لوگوں کی قطار , Placentation : جنبن کا رحم کی دیوار سے جوڑ , Distend : اندر ونی طور پر ہوا یا گیس کا بھرنا , Flight : اڑان , Incline : ڈھلوان , Conceptual : تصوراتی , Internist : ماہر امراض باطنیہ , Blistering : آبلہ انگیزی

Useful Words Definitions

Nephrocalcinosis: renal lithiasis in which calcium deposits form in the renal parenchyma and result in reduced kidney function and blood in the urine.

Nephrolithiasis: the presence of kidney stones (calculi) in the kidney.

Concretion: the formation of stonelike objects within a body organ (e.g., the kidneys).

Stoma: a mouth or mouthlike opening (especially one created by surgery on the surface of the body to create an opening to an internal organ).

Enterolithiasis: the presence of calculi in the intestines.

Calculous: relating to or caused by or having a calculus or calculi.

Breadbasket: an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion.

Thrombosis: the formation or presence of a thrombus (a clot of coagulated blood attached at the site of its formation) in a blood vessel.

Lapidate: throw stones at.

Gravelly: abounding in small stones.

Bouldered: abounding in rocks or stones.

Quarry: extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry.

Semiprecious: used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones.

Rockiness: the quality of abounding in rocks and stones.

Lithuresis: passing small stones with the urine.

Crannied: having small chinks or crannies (especially in or between rocks or stones).

Lapidarist: an expert on precious stones and the art of cutting and engraving them.

Pave: a setting with precious stones so closely set that no metal shows.

Hill: structure consisting of an artificial heap or bank usually of earth or stones.

Catapult: a plaything consisting of a Y-shaped stick with elastic between the arms; used to propel small stones.

Machicolation: a projecting parapet supported by corbels on a medieval castle; has openings through which stones or boiling water could be dropped on an enemy.

Beetle: a tool resembling a hammer but with a large head (usually wooden); used to drive wedges or ram down paving stones or for crushing or beating or flattening or smoothing.

Shingle: coarse beach gravel of small waterworn stones and pebbles (or a stretch of shore covered with such gravel).

Line: a formation of people or things one behind another.

Placentation: the formation of the placenta in the uterus.

Distend: cause to expand as it by internal pressure.

Flight: a formation of aircraft in flight.

Incline: an elevated geological formation.

Conceptual: being or characterized by concepts or their formation.

Internist: a specialist in internal medicine.

Blistering: the formation of vesicles in or beneath the skin.

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