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لوگوں کی عقل : Logon Ki Aqal Meaning in English

Logon Ki Aqal in Detail

1) لوگوں کی عقل : Adult Intelligence : (noun) the average IQ of the adults in a given population.


Useful Words

بالغ : Adult : (of animals) fully developed. "An adult animal".

عام معیار : Average : a statistic describing the location of a distribution. "It set the norm for American homes".

مفروضہ : Given : an assumption that is taken for granted.

ذہانت جانچنے کا پیمانہ : I.Q. : a measure of a person`s intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person`s mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100).

آبادی : Population : the people who inhabit a territory or state. "The population seemed to be well fed and clothed".

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