Longed-For Longboat Longanimity Long-Windedness Long-Windedly Long-Winded Long-Term Long-Suffering Longer Longest Longevity Longfellow Longhand Longhorn Longing Longingly Longish Longitude Longitudinal Longitudinally

Longer meaning in Urdu

Longer Sentences

I get my baby to sleep longer.
A longer for money.

Longer Synonyms


Longer Definitions

1 of 2) Longer : دیر تک : (adverb) for more time.

Can I stay bit longer?

2 of 2) Longer, Thirster, Yearner : پیاسا شخص : (noun) a person with a strong desire for something.

Useful Words

Draw Out : کو طول دینا , Long-Play : فوٹو گراف یا ریکارڈ جس کا قطر دس سے بارہ انچ ہو , Outwear : زیادہ چلنے والا , Disused : خارج , Dead Person : مرحوم , Out Of Sight : جو نظر سے باہر ہوگیا ہو , Defunctness : معدومی , Lengthen : لمبا کرنا , Outlast : زیادہ دیر تک جینا , Lengthen : لمبا ہونا , Back-Number : جو شخص مشہور نہ ہوا ہو , Decertify : توثیق واپس لینا , Stretch : پھیل جانا , Aeonian : قدیم , Out-Of-Date : پرانا , Extinction : فنا , Latin Cross : لاطینی صلیب , Oversleep : بسیار خوابی کرنا , Detached : الگ کیا ہوا , Off : الگ کرنا , Dead : مردہ , Addled : خراب , Cold : پرانا , Pennant : جھنڈی , Retired : فارغ خدمت , Elbow Bone : زند اسفل , Cancelled : منسوخ شدہ , Exanimate : مردہ , Plush : ایک قسم کا روئیں دار کپڑا , Elongate : کھنچ کرلمبا کرنا , Higher Rank : اونچا درجہ

Useful Words Definitions

Draw Out: lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer.

Long-Play: (used of records) playing at a slower speed and for a longer time than earlier records.

Outwear: last longer than others.

Disused: no longer in use.

Dead Person: someone who is no longer alive.

Out Of Sight: no longer visible.

Defunctness: no longer in existence.

Lengthen: make longer.

Outlast: live longer than.

Lengthen: become long or longer.

Back-Number: someone who is no longer popular.

Decertify: cause to be no longer approved or accepted.

Stretch: become longer by being stretched and pulled.

Aeonian: of or relating to a geological eon (longer than an era).

Out-Of-Date: old; no longer valid or fashionable.

Extinction: no longer active; extinguished.

Latin Cross: a cross with the lowest arm being longer than the others.

Oversleep: sleep longer than intended.

Detached: no longer connected or joined.

Off: no longer on or in contact or attached.

Dead: people who are no longer living.

Addled: (of eggs) no longer edible.

Cold: lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new.

Pennant: a flag longer than it is wide (and often tapering).

Retired: no longer active in your work or profession.

Elbow Bone: the inner and longer of the two bones of the human forearm.

Cancelled: (of events) no longer planned or scheduled.

Exanimate: deprived of life; no longer living.

Plush: a fabric with a nap that is longer and softer than velvet.

Elongate: make long or longer by pulling and stretching.

Higher Rank: higher rank than that of others especially by reason of longer service.

Related Words

Individual : شخص
