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معمولی : Mamuli Meaning in English

Mamuli Synonyms


Mamuli in Detail

1 of 11) حقیر معمولی : Fiddling Footling Lilliputian Little Niggling Petty Picayune Piddling Piffling Trivial : (satellite adjective) (informal) small and of little importance.

3 of 11) معمولی عام : Humdrum Monotony Sameness : (noun) the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety.

4 of 11) معمولی : Hole-And-Corner Hole-In-Corner : (satellite adjective) relating to the peripheral and unimportant aspects of life.

5 of 11) معمولی عام سا : Commonplace Humdrum Prosaic Unglamorous Unglamourous : (satellite adjective) not challenging; dull and lacking excitement.

6 of 11) کم تر معمولی : Humble Low Lowly Modest Small : (satellite adjective) low or inferior in station or quality.

7 of 11) غیر اہم معمولی : Unimportant : (adjective) not important.

8 of 11) معمولی : Dinky : (satellite adjective) small and insignificant.

9 of 11) معمولی ادنی : Exiguous : (satellite adjective) extremely scanty.

10 of 11) معمولی : Ordinary : (adjective) not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree.

11 of 11) معمولی : Superficial Trivial : (satellite adjective) of little substance or significance.

Useful Words

اہمیت : Importance : the quality of being important and worthy of note. "The importance of a well-balanced diet".

غیر رسمی : Informal : not formal. "Conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress".

ذرا سا : Little : (quantifier used with mass nouns) small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or (with `a`) at least some. "Little time is left".

چھوٹا : Minor : limited in size or scope. "A small business".

کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".

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