DeenMazhabMasalihat PasandiBaat Chit Se Ma...IslaheyatTawaqoNizam AqaidRaskh AqeedahMaslakFirqaZonPapaiyi NizamMashaiykhi NizamTuham ParastiTuhamBe Rabt NazriyaFalsafiana DeenWjdanTutam PasandiQbaiylit

مَسلَک : Maslak Meaning in English

Maslak Synonyms


Maslak in Detail

1 of 3) مسلک : Church Doctrine Creed Gospel Religious Doctrine : (noun) the written body of teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that group.

2 of 3) مسلک : Cult Cultus Religious Cult : (noun) a system of religious beliefs and rituals.

3 of 3) مسلک : Orientation : (noun) an integrated set of attitudes and beliefs.

Useful Words

مانا ہوا : Accepted : generally approved or compelling recognition. "Several accepted techniques for treating the condition".

عقیدہ : Belief : any cognitive content held as true.

جسم : Body : the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being). "He felt as if his whole body were on fire".

عام طور پر : By And Large : usually; as a rule. "By and large it doesn`t rain much here".

گروہ : Group : any number of entities (members) considered as a unit.

رسم : Rite : any customary observance or practice. "I don`t like Ritual of Henna".

نظام : System : instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity. "The law is blind in the world No one gets justice In order to change the system, the orders of Allah will have to be enforced".

تعلیم : Instruction : the profession of a teacher. "He prepared for teaching while still in college".

لکھا ہوا : Written : set down in writing in any of various ways. "Miss, what is written here?".

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