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میٹھی چیری : Meethi Cherry Meaning in English

Meethi Cherry in Detail

1) میٹھی چیری : Heart Cherry Oxheart Oxheart Cherry : (noun) any of several cultivated sweet cherries having sweet juicy heart-shaped fruits.


Useful Words

کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".

سرخی مائل : Blood-Red : of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies.

کاشت کردہ : Cultivated : (of land or fields) prepared for raising crops by plowing or fertilizing. "Cultivated land".

پھل : Fruit : the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant. "No root, no fruit".

غیر اخلاقی : Blue : suggestive of blue impropriety. "A blue movie".

کئی : Several : (used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many. "After being suspended from a notorious political organization he survived several murder attempts".

ٹہوک کر بنائی کئی شئے : Molded : shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort). "A shaped handgrip".

میٹھی ڈیش : Afters : a dish served as the last course of a meal. "Please have sweet".

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