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Megakaryocyte meaning in Urdu

Megakaryocyte Definitions

1) Megakaryocyte : گودے کے بڑے مرکزائی خلیے جو خونی پلیٹ بناتے ہیں : (noun) a large bone marrow cell; regarded as the source of blood platelets.


Useful Words

Myeloma : مغزی سلعہ , Haematogenesis : خون زائی , Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia : خون کے سرطان کی شدید قسم , Osteomyelitis : ھڈی کی سوزش , Albers-Schonberg Disease : مرمری ہڈیاں , Thrombocytopenia : خون میں پلیٹلیٹ کی تعداد میں تخفیف , Factor Iii : تھرومبو پلاسٹن , Erythrocyte : خون کا سرخ جسیمہ , Macrocyte : خون کا بڑا ہوا خلیہ , Myeloid : نخاع نما , Medullary : گودے والا , Marrowbone : گودے والی ہڈی , Blood Profile : خون کی مکمل گنتی , Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura : خون میں پلیٹ لیٹس کی کمی جس کی وجہ سے خون خطرناک حد تک پتلا ہوجاتا ہے , Blood : خون , Thrombocytosis : خون میں پلیٹ لیٹ کی تعداد میں اضافہ , Fibrin : میٹرکس جس پر خون جمتا ہے , Immune System : مدافعت کا نظام , Osteocyte : استخوانی خلیہ , Bone-Forming Cell : ہڈی بنانے والا خلیہ , Acetylsalicylic Acid : اسپرین , Spherocyte : گول سرخ خونی خلیہ , Leucopenia : خون میں سفید خونی ذرات کی کم شدہ تعداد , Acanthocyte : خراب لال خلیہ , Haversian Canal : ہڈی کا خلا , Castor Bean Plant : ارنڈ کا پودہ , Hypercalcaemia : خون میں کیلشیم کی زیادتی , Calciferol : وٹامن ڈی , Cancer : سرطان , Periosteum : ہڈیوں کے اوپر کی جھلی , Hipbone : کولہے کی ہڈی

Useful Words Definitions

Myeloma: a tumor of the bone marrow (usually malignant) composed of cells normally found in bone marrow.

Haematogenesis: the formation of blood cells in the living body (especially in the bone marrow).

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: acute leukemia characterized by proliferation of immature lymphoblast-like cells in bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and blood; most common in children.

Osteomyelitis: an inflammation of bone and bone marrow (usually caused by bacterial infection).

Albers-Schonberg Disease: an inherited disorder characterized by an increase in bone density; in severe forms the bone marrow cavity may be obliterated.

Thrombocytopenia: a blood disease characterized by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood.

Factor Iii: an enzyme liberated from blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood starts to clot.

Erythrocyte: a red blood cell is a mature blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body`s tissues and removes carbon dioxide. It is disc-shaped, lacks a nucleus, and contains hemoglobin, which gives it its red color.

Macrocyte: abnormally large red blood cell (associated with pernicious anemia).

Myeloid: of or relating to bone marrow.

Medullary: containing or consisting of or resembling bone marrow.

Marrowbone: a bone containing edible marrow; used especially in flavoring soup.

Blood Profile: counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in 1 cubic millimeter of blood. A CBC is a routine test used for various medical purposes, including general health screenings, diagnosing medical conditions, and monitoring ongoing treatments.

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura: purpura associated with a reduction in circulating blood platelets which can result from a variety of factors.

Blood: the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets.

Thrombocytosis: increase in the number of platelets in the blood which tends to cause clots to form; associated with many neoplasms and chronic infections and other diseases.

Fibrin: a white insoluble fibrous protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen when blood clots; it forms a network that traps red cells and platelets.

Immune System: a system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the body from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response.

Osteocyte: mature bone cell.

Bone-Forming Cell: a cell from which bone develops.

Acetylsalicylic Acid: the acetylated derivative of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic anti-inflammatory drug (trade names Bayer, Empirin, and St. Joseph) usually taken in tablet form; used as an antipyretic; slows clotting of the blood by poisoning platelets.

Spherocyte: an abnormal spherical red blood cell.

Leucopenia: an abnormal lowering of the white blood cell count.

Acanthocyte: an abnormal red blood cell that has thorny projections of protoplasm.

Haversian Canal: any of the many tiny canals that contain blood vessels and connective tissue and that form a network in bone.

Castor Bean Plant: large shrub of tropical Africa and Asia having large palmate leaves and spiny capsules containing seeds that are the source of castor oil and ricin; widely naturalized throughout the tropics.

Hypercalcaemia: the presence of abnormally high levels of calcium in the blood; usually the result of excessive bone resorption in hyperparathyroidism or Paget's disease.

Calciferol: vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in calcium absorption and bone health. It is also involved in immune function, muscle strength, and cell growth regulation.

Cancer: any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream.

Periosteum: a dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones (except at their extremities) and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles; contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the enclosed bone.

Hipbone: large flaring bone forming one half of the pelvis; made up of the ilium and ischium and pubis.

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