Moonily Moonflower Moonfish Mooneye Moonbeam Moon-Ray Moon-Faced Moon-Curser Moonless Moonlight Moonlighter Moonlit Moonshine Moonshiner Moonstone Moonwort Moony Moor Moorage Moorhen

Moonless meaning in Urdu

Moonless Sentence

The dark moonless night.

Moonless Definitions

1) Moonless : چاند کے بغیر : (adjective) without a moon or a visible moon.

A moonless planet.


Useful Words

Lunar : چاند سے متعلق , Moon : چاند کی روشنی , Crescent : نیا یا آخری ہفتے کا چاند , Cislunar : زمین اور چاند کے درمیان , Halo : ہالہ , Full : پورا چاند , Selenology : علم القمر , Artificial Satellite : مدار میں گہومنے والا , Astrologer : نجومی , Crustal : اوپر کی پرت سے متعلق , Neap : جزر , Lunisolar : سورج اور چاند کے باہمی تعلق پر مبنی , Lunar Eclipse : چاند گرہن , New Moon : نیا باریک چاند , Astrology : علم نجوم , Luna : چاند کی دیوی , Tide : جوار بھاٹا , Tidal Wave : مدوجزر کی لہر , Easter : مسیحیوں کا تہوار , Moon : ماہتاب , Crescent : ہلال , Solar Eclipse : سورج گرہن , Pluto : نظام شمسی کا ایک سیارہ , Show : نظر آنا , Out Of Sight : جو نظر سے باہر ہوگیا ہو , Bring Out : ظاہر کرنا , Parade : دکھاوا , Becloud : دھندلا کرنا , Celestial Body : آسمانی شئے , Luminous Energy : روشنی کی توانائی , Come On : ظاہر ہونا

Useful Words Definitions

Lunar: of or relating to or associated with the moon.

Moon: the light of the Moon.

Crescent: resembling the new moon in shape.

Cislunar: situated between the earth and the moon.

Halo: a circle of light around the sun or moon.

Full: the time when the Moon is fully illuminated.

Selenology: the branch of astronomy that deals with the moon.

Artificial Satellite: man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon.

Astrologer: someone who predicts the future by the positions of the planets and sun and Moon.

Crustal: of or relating to or characteristic of the crust of the earth or moon.

Neap: a less than average tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon.

Lunisolar: relating to or attributed to the moon and the sun or their mutual relations.

Lunar Eclipse: the earth interrupts light shining on the moon.

New Moon: the time at which the Moon appears as a narrow waxing crescent.

Astrology: a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon.

Luna: (Roman mythology) the goddess of the Moon; counterpart of Greek Selene.

Tide: the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon.

Tidal Wave: a wave resulting from the periodic flow of the tides that is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun.

Easter: a Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Christ; celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Moon: the moon is Earth`s natural satellite, orbiting the planet and reflecting sunlight to appear as a luminous, changing shape in the night sky. It influences tides and has cultural significance.

Crescent: any shape resembling the curved shape of the moon in its first or last quarters.

Solar Eclipse: a solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the sun and the Earth, blocking all or part of the sun`s light. This results in a temporary shadow on Earth, known as an eclipse.

Pluto: Pluto is a dwarf planet in our solar system, formerly considered the ninth planet. It resides in the Kuiper Belt and is smaller than the major planets. Pluto is characterized by its icy composition and a single large moon, Charon.

Show: be or become visible or noticeable.

Out Of Sight: no longer visible.

Bring Out: make visible.

Parade: a visible display.

Becloud: make less visible or unclear.

Celestial Body: natural objects visible in the sky.

Luminous Energy: the energy associated with visible light.

Come On: appear or become visible; make a showing.

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