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Muezzin meaning in Urdu

Muezzin Synonyms


Muezzin Definitions

1) Muezzin, Muadhdhin, Muazzin : موذن, جو اذان دیتا ہے : (noun) the Muslim official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.

Useful Words

Crier Of Prayer : موذن , Salaah : نماز , Mosque : مسجد , Mollah : عالم دین , Call To Prayer : اذان , Batting Average : بیٹنگ اوسط , Hegira : ہجرت نبی , Faithfulness : اخلاص , Dependably : قابل اعتماد طور پر , Apostate : غدار , Adulterous : بدکار , Caller : بلانے والا , Convocation : جلسہ , Adherence : پیروکاری , Pray : دعا کرنا , Leaving Salah : نماز چھوڑنے کا عمل , Early Afternoon Prayer : ظہر کی نماز , Blessing : کھانے سے پہلے کی دعا , Rest In Peace : مرنے والے کے لئے امن کی دعا , Intercession : سفارش , House Of God : عبادت گاہ , Invocation : دعا , Friday Sermon : جمعہ کا خطبہ , Sunset Prayer : مغرب کی نماز , Agnus Dei : دعا , Requiescat : مرحومین کے لیے دعا , Litany : عسائیوں کی دعا , Monastic : راہب , Allah : اللہ , Hakeem : حکیم , Mcb : مسلم کمرشل بینک

Useful Words Definitions

Crier Of Prayer: The Muslim official of a Masjid who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day.

Salaah: the second pillar of Islam is prayer; a prescribed liturgy performed five times a day (preferably in a mosque) and oriented toward Mecca.

Mosque: (Islam) a Muslim place of worship that usually has a minaret.

Mollah: a Muslim trained in the doctrine and law of Islam; the head of a mosque.

Call To Prayer: the Muslim call to prayer.

Batting Average: (baseball) a measure of a batter`s performance; the number of base hits divided by the number of official times at bat.

Hegira: the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 which marked the beginning of the Muslim era; the Muslim calendar begins in that year.

Faithfulness: the quality of being faithful.

Dependably: in a faithful manner.

Apostate: not faithful to religion or party or cause.

Adulterous: not faithful to a spouse or lover.

Caller: someone who proclaims or summons in a loud voice.

Convocation: a group gathered in response to a summons.

Adherence: faithful support for a cause or political party or religion.

Pray: say a prayer.

Leaving Salah: the act of not offering prayer.

Early Afternoon Prayer: Zuhar prayer.

Blessing: a short prayer of thanks before a meal.

Rest In Peace: prayer for dead person.

Intercession: a prayer to God on behalf of another person.

House Of God: any building where congregations gather for prayer.

Invocation: a prayer asking God`s help as part of a religious service.

Friday Sermon: public preaching by imam before Friday prayer .

Sunset Prayer: prayer which is performed after sunset and before total darkness.

Agnus Dei: a liturgical prayer beginning with these Latin words.

Requiescat: a prayer for the repose of the soul of a dead person.

Litany: a prayer consisting of a series of invocations by the priest with responses from the congregation.

Monastic: a male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and work.

Allah: Muslim name for the one and only God.

Hakeem: a Muslim physician.

Mcb: Muslim Commercial Bank.

Related Words

Announcer : اعلان کرنے والا

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