Baizzat RukhsatiTorAmal E TanseekhTamam Shehri Hu...Mansookh KarnaJaneen KushiHamal Giraanay ...Bachchay Ka Koi...MukhalifOlatIstardadKiye Gaye Kam K...Wapas Chalay JanaAghazTakht SambhalnaZahoor PazeeriPehli Bar Pesh ...IbtadaiIftatahGhar Ki Tameer ...

مخالف : Mukhalif Meaning in English

Mukhalif Sentence

Mukhalif Synonyms


Mukhalif in Detail

1 of 13) مخالف خلاف : Against : (adjective) Contrary to; opposed to.

2 of 13) مخالف الٹ استرداد : Reversal : (noun) a change from one state to the opposite state.

3 of 13) دشمن مخالف : Anti : (noun) a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.).

4 of 13) مخالف : Antipathetic Antipathetical Averse Indisposed Loath Loth : (satellite adjective) (usually followed by `to`) strongly opposed.

5 of 13) مخالف حریف : Adversary Antagonist Opponent Opposer Resister : (noun) someone who offers opposition.

6 of 13) مخالف ناموافق : Adverse Inauspicious Untoward : (satellite adjective) contrary to your interests or welfare.

7 of 13) مخالف منحرف اختلاف رائے رکھنے والا : Contestant Dissenter Dissident Objector Protester : (noun) a person who dissents from some established policy.

8 of 13) مخالف : Contrastive Incompatible : (satellite adjective) of words so related that one contrasts with the other.

9 of 13) مخالف الٹ : Contrast Direct Contrast : (noun) the opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared.

10 of 13) مخالف : Hostile Uncongenial Unfriendly : (satellite adjective) very unfavorable to life or growth.

11 of 13) مخالف : Conflicting : (satellite adjective) on bad terms.

12 of 13) مخالف : Repellant Repellent : (noun) the power to repel.

13 of 13) مخالف : Opposite : (satellite adjective) the other one of a complementary pair.

Useful Words

بدلنا : Alter : cause to change; make different; cause a transformation. "He found out on a moonlit night that his kurta was bigger than his actual size, so he gave the kurta to the tailor to alter it".

خلاف : Contrary : very opposed in nature or character or purpose. "Acts contrary to our code of ethics".

ایک : 1 : used of a single unit or thing; not two or more. "`ane` is Scottish".

لفظ جو دوسرے لفظ کی ضد ہو : Antonym : a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. "To him the antonym of `gay` was `depressed`".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".
