Ba EhtramBa AdabDeen DarTohediRoheAqliZehniBe Pankh MunafqanaEbadat Guzar EsaiKalisaiBain AlmazhabiKhuda Par Iman ...MushrakanhaQabil E ItminanQabil E TaskeenMananay Kay LaiqKathoreSang E DalanaNamuna Kay Mutabiq

منافقانہ : Munafqana Meaning in English

Munafqana Synonyms


Munafqana in Detail

1 of 3) منافقانہ : Hypocritical : (satellite adjective) professing feelings or virtues one does not have.

2 of 3) منافقانہ : Holier-Than-Thou Pharisaic Pharisaical Pietistic Pietistical Sanctimonious Self-Righteous : (satellite adjective) excessively or hypocritically pious.

3 of 3) منافقانہ : Dissimulative : (satellite adjective) concealing under a false appearance with the intent to deceive.

Useful Words

کرنا : Do : carry out or perform an action. "I did it in a flash".

حد سے زیادہ : Excessively : to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits. "You are not talking too much".

احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".

استعمال کرنا : Consume : serve oneself to, or consume regularly. "Have another bowl of chicken soup!".

منافقت سے : Hypocritically : in a hypocritical manner. "He behaved hypocritically by praying piously when people were watching".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

ایک : 1 : the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number. "He has the one but will need a two and three to go with it".

نیکی : Merit : any admirable quality or attribute. "He pray five times as he is a man of virtue".
