Shakar Mein Tab...Aab Pasheedgi K...Chota KarnaPhalangnaMazeed Mazedar ...Be Bas HojanaShiddat Mein Ka...Dho DaalnaMurnaSukarjanaPur Shikan HonaGunjalnaShikan Dar HonaAurton Ki Safat...Mardana Safat P...Mardana BananaBe Aang KarnaMatrok HonaAayan KarnaAaini Banana

مڑنا : Murna Meaning in English

Murna Synonyms


Murna in Detail

1 of 16) موڑنا مڑنا چکر کھانا : Meander Thread Wander Weave Wind : (verb) to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course.

2 of 16) موڑنا : Crook Curve : (verb) bend or cause to bend.

3 of 16) موڑنا : Round Round Off Round Out : (verb) make round.

4 of 16) پلٹنا مڑنا : Swing About Swing Around Turn Around : (verb) turn abruptly and face the other way, either physically or metaphorically.

5 of 16) پھیرنا موڑنا منحرف ہونا : Deviate Divert : (verb) turn aside; turn away from.

6 of 16) موڑنا تہ کرنا : Fold Fold Up Turn Up : (verb) bend or lay so that one part covers the other.

7 of 16) موڑنا جھکنا : Recurve : (verb) curve or bend (something) back or down.

8 of 16) موڑنا : Gather In Take In : (verb) fold up.

9 of 16) موڑنا : Wheel Wheel Around : (verb) change directions as if revolving on a pivot.

10 of 16) مڑنا : Bend Flex : (verb) form a curve.

11 of 16) مڑنا سکڑجانا : Fold Fold Up : (verb) become folded or folded up.

12 of 16) بل دینا موڑنا : Distort Twine Twist : (verb) form into a spiral shape.

13 of 16) موڑنا : Bend Deform Flex Turn Twist : (verb) cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.

14 of 16) لپیٹنا موڑنا : Roll Twine Wind Wrap : (verb) arrange or or coil around.

15 of 16) مڑنا منعکس ہونا : Bend Deflect Turn Away : (verb) turn from a straight course, fixed direction, or line of interest.

16 of 16) مڑنا خمیدہ کرنا : Buckle Crumple : (verb) fold or collapse.

Useful Words

موڑ : Bend : a circular segment of a curve. "A bend in the road".

قائل کرنا : Cause : cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner. "The induced me for fake collision to obtain money fraudulently from insurance companies".

دائرہ نما : Circular : having a circular shape.

نصاب : Class : education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings. "He took a course in basket weaving".

ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ جانا : Move : change residence, affiliation, or place of employment. "The whole family moved to Canada".

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