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مُسلّمہ : Musalima Meaning in English

Musalima Sentence

Musalima Synonyms


Musalima in Detail

1 of 6) مانا ہوا مسلمہ : Accepted Recognised Recognized : (satellite adjective) generally approved or compelling recognition.

2 of 6) مسلمہ یقینی : Beyond Doubt Indubitable : (satellite adjective) too obvious to be doubted.

3 of 6) مسلمہ جس کو سرکاری طور پر مان لیا گیا ہو : Declared Stated : (satellite adjective) declared as fact; explicitly stated.

4 of 6) مسلمہ : Accomplished Effected Established : (satellite adjective) settled securely and unconditionally.

5 of 6) کلیہ مسلمہ : Theorem : (noun) an idea accepted as a demonstrable truth.

6 of 6) مسلمہ اصول : Axiom : (noun) (logic) a proposition that is not susceptible of proof or disproof; its truth is assumed to be self-evident.

Useful Words

منظورشدہ : Approved : established by authority; given authoritative approval. "A list of approved candidates".

زبردست : Compelling : driving or forcing. "Compelling ambition".

عام طور پر : By And Large : usually; as a rule. "By and large it doesn`t rain much here".

تسلیم کرنے کا عمل : Acknowledgement : the state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged. "The partners were delighted with the recognition of their work".

حد سے زیادہ : Excessively : to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits. "You are not talking too much".

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