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متحرک : Mutaharrik Meaning in English

Mutaharrik Sentence

Mutaharrik Synonyms


Mutaharrik in Detail

1 of 10) حرکت پذیر متحرک : Moving : (adjective) in motion.

2 of 10) متحرک زیر عمل : In Operation Operating Operational : (satellite adjective) being in effect or operation.

3 of 10) متحرک مصروف : About Astir : (satellite adjective) on the move.

4 of 10) متحرک : Abound Bristle Burst : (verb) be in a state of movement or action.

5 of 10) متحرک حرکیاتی : Dynamic Dynamical : (adjective) characterized by action or forcefulness or force of personality.

6 of 10) متحرک سرگرم : Motivated : (adjective) provided with a motive or given incentive for action.

7 of 10) متحرک : Animated : (satellite adjective) made to appear to move as living creatures do.

8 of 10) متحرک : Agitated : (adjective) physically disturbed or set in motion.

9 of 10) متحرک : Active : (adjective) characterized by energetic activity.

10 of 10) متحرک چالو : Active : (adjective) full of activity or engaged in continuous activity.

Useful Words

پورا کرنا : Effect : produce. "The scientists set up a shock wave".

اشارہ کرنا : Gesticulate : show, express or direct through movement. "He gestured his desire to leave".

کارروائی : Operation : the state of being in effect or being operative. "That rule is no longer in operation".

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