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متقی : Muttaqi Meaning in English

Muttaqi Synonyms


Muttaqi in Detail

1 of 5) دین دار متقی : Devout God-Fearing : (satellite adjective) deeply religious.

2 of 5) نیک و کار متقی : Sage : (noun) a mentor in spiritual and philosophical topics who is renowned for profound wisdom.

3 of 5) دین دار متقی با ادب : Godly Reverent Worshipful : (satellite adjective) showing great reverence for god.

4 of 5) متقی نیک : Righteous : (adjective) characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice.

5 of 5) متقی پرہیز گار پارسا : Pious : (adjective) having or showing or expressing reverence for a deity.

Useful Words

استاد : Mentor : serve as a teacher or trusted counselor. "Mentor of politics".

پکی نیند : Heavy : (of sleep) deep and complete. "She fell into a profound sleep".

معروف : Celebrated : widely known and esteemed. "A famous actor".

مذہب سے متعلق : Religious : concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church. "Religious texts".

موضوع : Subject : the subject matter of a conversation or discussion. "Today`s theme is how God`s law enforced on earth".

دانائی : Wisdom : accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment. "Wisdom is more powerful than strength".

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