Ehtijaj Karnay ...Jarihat PasandUksaanay WalaKarindaDaulatmandAmirQarabat Dar Baw...WabastaMuzabzibZearai MahirKashtkar Bunay WalaMahir E KashtkarNaibMatahat Kam Kar...MadadgarFizai RakhwalaSansani Phelana...Sooraj MukkiBhawra Shakhs

مُذبذب : Muzabzib Meaning in English

Muzabzib Synonyms


Muzabzib in Detail

1 of 7) مذبذب اضطرابی : At Sea Baffled Befuddled Bemused Bewildered Confounded Confused Lost Mazed Mixed-Up : (satellite adjective) perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment.

2 of 7) مذبذب : Agnostic Doubter : (noun) someone who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

3 of 7) مذبذب جھینپو : Chicken Crybaby Wimp : (noun) a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy.

4 of 7) مذبذب : Incertain Uncertain Unsure : (adjective) lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance.

5 of 7) غیر جانب دار آزاد حالت میں غیر طے شدہ : On The Fence Undecided : (satellite adjective) characterized by indecision.

6 of 7) مشکوک مذبذب : Doubtful Dubious : (satellite adjective) fraught with uncertainty or doubt.

7 of 7) بے سکون مذبذب : Awkward Ill At Ease Uneasy : (satellite adjective) socially uncomfortable; unsure and constrained in manner.

Useful Words

متحرک : About : on the move. "Up and about".

اضطراب : Bafflement : confusion resulting from failure to understand.

متصادم : At Odds : in disagreement. "The figures are at odds with our findings".

مشکوک : Doubtful : open to doubt or suspicion. "The candidate's doubtful past".

اکثر : Many : a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as` or `too` or `so` or `that`; amounting to a large but indefinite number. "Many temptations".

حالات : Situation : the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time. "The situation is better now that terrorism has been eradicated in Karachi".

شخص : Individual : a human being. "Every individual was gone through corona test before passing the immigration".

کوئی چیز : Something : An undetermined or unspecified thing. "Lets have something".

بیان : Statement : a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc. "According to his statement he was in London on that day".

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