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نِسوانِیَت : Niswaniyat Meaning in English


Niswaniyat in Detail

1 of 3) نسوانیت زنانہ پن : Femininity Muliebrity : (noun) the trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women.

2 of 3) زنانہ پن نسوانیت بلوغت : Muliebrity Womanhood : (noun) the state of being an adult woman.

3 of 3) زنانہ پن نسوانیت : Womanlike Womanliness : (noun) the trait of being womanly; having the characteristics of an adult female.

Useful Words

بالغ : Adult : (of animals) fully developed. "An adult animal".

سوچا سمجھا : Considered : carefully weighed. "A considered opinion".

حالت : State : the way something is with respect to its main attributes. "Overthinking ruined his mental state".

خاصیت : Trait : a distinguishing feature of your personal nature. "This building of Istanbul is so beautiful because the trait of architect of this building is that he has mastered the art of sketching".

مثالی : Typical : exhibiting the qualities or characteristics that identify a group or kind or category. "I told them not to meet but the girl thought I don`t want my friend meet her I said this just because families wouldn`t like it and the guy and girl both may face typical problems if their family finds out".

رستہ : Way : any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another. "I`m on the way".

عورت : Adult Female : an adult female person (as opposed to a man). "A woman is made to be respected".

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