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North Frigid Zone meaning in Urdu

North Frigid Zone Synonyms

North Frigid Zone Definitions

1) North Frigid Zone, Arctic, Arctic Zone : قطب شمالی : (noun) the regions to the north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole.


Useful Words

Tropic : منطقہ حارہ , Arctic Wolf : برفانی بھیڑیا , Epilobium : ایک قسم کی جری بوٹی , America : ریاستہاۓ متحدہ امریکا , Ice Bear : بڑا ریچھ , Compass Card : قطب نما کا کارڈ , Greensboro : شمالی کیرولینا کا شہر , Azonic : غیر خطی , Zonal : علاقائی , Zonula : علاقہ , Common Apricot : خوبانی کا درخت , Genus Hedysarum : ہڈی سارم جری بوٹی , Buffer : دو دشمنوں کے درمیان خالی علاقہ , Bakeapple : نارنجی زرد پھل , Arctic : قطب شمالی سے متعلق , Canis Lupus : کٹھ بھیڑیا , Balaena Mysticetus : ایک قسم کی بڑی مچھلی , Poplar : ہلکی نرم لکڑی والا درخت , Cowberry : گوندنی , Fen : دلدل , Midnight Sun : نیم سورج , Cypress : صنوبری درخت , Eastern Standard Time : مشرقی وقت , Cod : کاڈ مچھلی , Falco Rusticolus : عقاب , Indigirka : سائبیریا کا دریا , Ptarmigan : ایک قسم کا سفید تیتر , Horse Latitude : عروض سکون , Hepatica : جگر جیسا پودا , Cochlearia Officinalis : وٹامن سی سے بھرپور گھاس , Bladdernose : بحری ہاتھی

Useful Words Definitions

Tropic: either of two parallels of latitude about 23.5 degrees to the north and south of the equator representing the points farthest north and south at which the sun can shine directly overhead and constituting the boundaries of the Torrid Zone or tropics.

Arctic Wolf: wolf of Arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail.

Epilobium: large widely distributed genus of herbs and subshrubs of especially western North America and Arctic areas.

America: North American republic containing 50 states - 48 conterminous states in North America plus Alaska in northwest North America and the Hawaiian Islands in the Pacific Ocean; achieved independence in 1776.

Ice Bear: white bear of Arctic regions.

Compass Card: compass in the form of a card that rotates so that 0 degrees or North points to magnetic north.

Greensboro: a city of north central North Carolina.

Azonic: not restricted to any particular zone or region.

Zonal: relating to or of the nature of a zone.

Zonula: small beltlike zone.

Common Apricot: temperate zone tree bearing downy yellow to rosy fruits.

Genus Hedysarum: genus of herbs of north temperate regions.

Buffer: a neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflict.

Bakeapple: creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries.

Arctic: of or relating to the Arctic.

Canis Lupus: a wolf with a brindled grey coat living in forested northern regions of North America.

Balaena Mysticetus: large-mouthed Arctic whale.

Poplar: any of numerous trees of north temperate regions having light soft wood and flowers borne in catkins.

Cowberry: low evergreen shrub of high north temperate regions of Europe and Asia and America bearing red edible berries.

Fen: low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation; usually is a transition zone between land and water.

Midnight Sun: the sun visible at midnight (inside the Arctic or Antarctic Circles).

Cypress: any of numerous evergreen conifers of the genus Cupressus of north temperate regions having dark scalelike leaves and rounded cones.

Eastern Standard Time: standard time in the 5th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th meridian; used in the eastern United States.

Cod: major food fish of Arctic and cold-temperate waters.

Falco Rusticolus: large and rare Arctic falcon having white and dark color phases.

Indigirka: a river in far eastern Siberia that flows generally northward to the Arctic Ocean.

Ptarmigan: large Arctic and subarctic grouse with feathered feet and usually white winter plumage.

Horse Latitude: either of two belts or regions near 30 degrees north or 30 degrees south; characterized by calms and light-baffling winds.

Hepatica: any of several plants of the genus Hepatica having three-lobed leaves and white or pinkish flowers in early spring; of moist and mossy subalpine woodland areas of north temperate regions.

Cochlearia Officinalis: a widely distributed Arctic cress reputed to have value in treatment or prevention of scurvy; a concentrated source of vitamin C.

Bladdernose: medium-sized blackish-grey seal with large inflatable sac on the head; of Arctic and northern Atlantic waters.

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