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Perjury meaning in Urdu

Perjury Sentence

Perjury is prohibited.

Perjury Synonyms


Perjury Definitions

1) Perjury, Bearing False Witness, Lying Under Oath : جہوٹی قسم کھانا, جہوٹا بیان دینے کا عمل : (noun) criminal offense of making false statements under oath.

Useful Words

Oath : حلف , Affirmation : عہد , Affidavit : حلفی بیان , Buncombe : بے تکی باتیں , Calumniation : بہتان , Perjure : جہوٹی قسم کھانا , Pledged : حلفی , Bound : پابند , Swear : حلف اٹھانا , Swearer : قسم کھانے والا , Unsworn : غیر حلفی , Bayat : بیعت , Depone : حلفیہ بیان دینا , Testimony : شہادت , Witness : گواہ , Hippocratic Oath : طب یونانی کا حلف , Hippocrates : یونانی علاج کا بانی , Convict : مجرم , Charge : الزام , Imputation : تہمت , Cozen : دھوکا ہونا , Fancy : مغالطہ , Confute : غلط ثابت کرنا , Specious : بظاہر ٹھیک , Kid : جھوٹ بولنا , Falsehood : جھوٹ , Feigning : ڈھونگ , Falseness : جھوٹا ہونا , Frame-Up : جھوٹا مقدمہ , Controvert : غلط ثابت ہونا , Cloak : چھپانا

Useful Words Definitions

Oath: a commitment to tell the truth (especially in a court of law); to lie under oath is to become subject to prosecution for perjury.

Affirmation: (religion) a solemn declaration that serves the same purpose as an oath (if an oath is objectionable to the person on religious or ethical grounds).

Affidavit: written declaration made under oath; a written statement sworn to be true before someone legally authorized to administer an oath.

Buncombe: unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements).

Calumniation: a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone`s words or actions.

Perjure: knowingly tell an untruth in a legal court and render oneself guilty of perjury.

Pledged: bound by or as if by an oath.

Bound: bound by an oath.

Swear: promise solemnly; take an oath.

Swearer: someone who takes a solemn oath.

Unsworn: not bound by or stated on oath.

Bayat: an oath of allegiance to an emir.

Depone: make a deposition; declare under oath.

Testimony: a solemn statement made under oath.

Witness: (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law.

Hippocratic Oath: an oath taken by physicians to observe medical ethics deriving from Hippocrates.

Hippocrates: Greek medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine; author of the Hippocratic oath (circa 460-377 BC).

Convict: a person who has been convicted of a criminal offense.

Charge: (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense.

Imputation: a statement attributing something dishonest (especially a criminal offense).

Cozen: be false to; be dishonest with.

Fancy: something many people believe that is false.

Confute: prove to be false.

Specious: plausible but false.

Kid: tell false information to for fun.

Falsehood: a false statement.

Feigning: the act of giving a false appearance.

Falseness: the state of being false or untrue.

Frame-Up: an act that incriminates someone on a false charge.

Controvert: prove to be false or incorrect.

Cloak: hide under a false appearance.

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