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Plumbic meaning in Urdu

Plumbic Synonym

Plumbic Definitions

1) Plumbic, Plumbous : سیسے سے متعلق : (adjective) relating to or consisting of lead.


Useful Words

Green Lead Ore : کچا سیسہ , Sculptural : مجسمہ سازی سے متعلق , Muscular : پٹہوں سے متعلق , Ideographic : تصور نگاری سے متعلق , Quarterly : چوتھائی کے متعلق , Aquatic : پانی سے متعلق , Leguminous : پھلی والے پودوں سے متعلق , Documental : دستاویزی , Molecular : سالموں سے متعلق , Watery : پانی سے لبریز , Carbonaceous : کاربنی , Volcanic : آتش فشانی , Appendicular : زائدی , Leadership : رہنمائی کی صلاحیت , Bach : کنوارا ہونا , Inducer : ترغیب دینے والا , Pig Lead : سیسہ , Conduct : رہنمائی کرنا , Draw : لے جانا , Leaders : قیادت , Ceruse : سفیدہ , Bearing Metal : سفید دھات , Lead : قیادت , Live : جینا , Shrapnel : گولی دار گولہ , Pewter : جستی برتن , Rusticate : دیہاتی علاقے میں رہنا , Collision Course : ٹکراوٴ کی روش , Shock Troops : حملہ آور فوجی دستے , Baton : چھڑی , Collision Course : راہ تصادم

Useful Words Definitions

Green Lead Ore: a mineral consisting of lead chloride and phosphate; a minor source of lead.

Sculptural: relating to or consisting of sculpture.

Muscular: of or relating to or consisting of muscle.

Ideographic: of or relating to or consisting of ideograms.

Quarterly: of or relating to or consisting of a quarter.

Aquatic: relating to or consisting of or being in water.

Leguminous: relating to or consisting of legumes.

Documental: relating to or consisting of or derived from documents.

Molecular: relating to or produced by or consisting of molecules.

Watery: relating to or resembling or consisting of water.

Carbonaceous: relating to or consisting of or yielding carbon.

Volcanic: relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes.

Appendicular: relating to or consisting of an appendage or appendages; especially the limbs.

Leadership: the ability to lead.

Bach: lead a bachelor's existence.

Inducer: someone who tries to persuade or induce or lead on.

Pig Lead: lead that is cast in pigs.

Conduct: lead musicians in the performance of.

Draw: bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition.

Leaders: the body of people who lead a group.

Ceruse: a poisonous white pigment that contains lead.

Bearing Metal: an alloy (often of lead or tin base) used for bearings.

Lead: a position of leadership (especially in the phrase `take the lead').

Live: lead a certain kind of life; live in a certain style.

Shrapnel: shell containing lead pellets that explodes in flight.

Pewter: any of various alloys of tin with small amounts of other metals (especially lead).

Rusticate: live in the country and lead a rustic life.

Collision Course: a course of action (following a given idea) that will lead to conflict if it continues unabated.

Shock Troops: soldiers who are specially trained and armed to lead an assault.

Baton: a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir.

Collision Course: a course of a moving object that will lead to a collision if it continues unchanged.

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