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Poltergeist meaning in Urdu

Poltergeist Sentence

Poltergeist activity in an old building.

Poltergeist Definitions

1) Poltergeist : بد روح, بھوت پریت : (noun) a ghost that announces its presence with rapping and the creation of disorder.


Useful Words

Forerunner : مقدم , Ghost : وہم , Disc Jockey : موسیقی چلانے والا , Blessed Trinity : تثلیث , Allhallows Eve : اکتیس اکتوبر کی موج مستی بھری شام جس میں بچے جن بھوت کی طرح حلیہ بناکر ایک دوسرے سے مذاق کر تے ہیں , Composing : موسیقی کی تخلیق , Conception : ایجاد , Creative : پیداواری , Classic : نہایت اعلی , Drafting : نقشہ نویسی , Representation : شبیہ , Computerise : کمپیوٹر سے کنٹرول کرنا , Needlecraft : کڑھائی کا کام , Develop : بڑھانا , Innovation : ایجاد , Division : علیحدگی کا عمل , Master : اصل , Ahmed Zoki Yamani : احمد ذوکی , Cold : سردی , Heat : گرمی , Want : چاہنا , Undesirable : قابل اعتراض , Snowy : برفانی , Haemoglobinuria : ہیموگلوبن کا پیشاب میں آنا , Enterolithiasis : آنت میں پتھریوں کی موجودگی ہونا , Myoglobinuria : پیشاب میں حمرت العضلہ کا اخراج , Kaliuresis : پیشاب میں پوٹاشیم کا اخراج , Allow : کسی کام کو کرنے دینا , Viraemia : خون میں وائرس کی موجودگی , Manifest : عیاں ہونا , Aerobiotic : آکسیجن میں جینے والا

Useful Words Definitions

Forerunner: a person who goes before or announces the coming of another.

Ghost: haunt like a ghost; pursue.

Disc Jockey: a person who announces and plays popular recorded music.

Blessed Trinity: the union of the Father and Son and Holy Ghost in one Godhead.

Allhallows Eve: the evening of 31 October; often devoted to pranks played by young people dressing up as ghost and wearing masks.

Composing: musical creation.

Conception: the creation of something in the mind.

Creative: promoting construction or creation.

Classic: a creation of the highest excellence.

Drafting: the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams.

Representation: a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something.

Computerise: control a function, process, or creation by a computer.

Needlecraft: a creation created or assembled by needle and thread.

Develop: make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation.

Innovation: a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation.

Division: the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart.

Master: an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made.

Ahmed Zoki Yamani: Saudi Arabian minister of petroleum who was a central figure in the creation of OPEC (born in 1930).

Cold: no presence of heat.

Heat: the presence of heat.

Want: wish or demand the presence of.

Undesirable: one whose presence is undesirable.

Snowy: marked by the presence of snow.

Haemoglobinuria: presence of hemoglobin in the urine.

Enterolithiasis: the presence of calculi in the intestines.

Myoglobinuria: the presence of myoglobin in the urine.

Kaliuresis: the presence of excess potassium in the urine.

Allow: allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting.

Viraemia: the presence of a virus in the blood stream.

Manifest: reveal its presence or make an appearance.

Aerobiotic: living or active only in the presence of oxygen.

Related Words

Ghost : روح

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