Prepossess Prepositional Preposition Preponderating Preponderate Preponderantly Preponderant Preponderance Prepossessing Prepossession Preposterous Preposterously Prepotency Prepubertal Prepubescent Prepuce Prerecord Prerecorded Prerequisite Prerogative

Prepossessing meaning in Urdu

Prepossessing Sentence

Strong and vigorous and of prepossessing appearance.

Prepossessing Definitions

1) Prepossessing : دلکش, خوشگوار : (satellite adjective) creating a favorable impression.


Useful Words

At First Blush : پہلی دفعہ میں , Netting : جال بنانے کا عمل , Admiration : ستائش , Hunch : اندیشہ , Worst : بدتر , Auspice : نیک شگون , Display : مظاہرہ , Hospitable : سازگار , Authorship : تصنیف , Casting : ڈھلائی , Notice : دھیان , Impressive : موٴثر , Read : تعبیر کرنا , Dent : نشان , Adventure : فائدے کے لئے خطرہ مول لینا , Disadvantage : نقصان , Acceptance : قبولیت , Approval : تعریف , Embossment : نقش , Advantage : برتری , Bottleneck : رکاوٹ کھڑی کرنا , Chance : موقع , Appear : لگنا , Successful : کامیاب , Optimist : رجائیت پسند , Computer Programing : کمپیوٹر کو دی جانے والی ہدایات , Affected : غیر طبعی , Delusion : فریب , Auspicious : ساز گار , Good Fortune : خوش قسمتی , Appealing : پر کشش

Useful Words Definitions

At First Blush: as a first impression.

Netting: creating nets.

Admiration: a favorable judgment.

Hunch: an impression that something might be the case.

Worst: the least favorable outcome.

Auspice: a favorable omen.

Display: something intended to communicate a particular impression.

Hospitable: favorable to life and growth.

Authorship: the act of creating written works.

Casting: the act of creating something by casting it in a mold.

Notice: polite or favorable attention.

Impressive: making a strong or vivid impression.

Read: interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression.

Dent: an impression in a surface (as made by a blow).

Adventure: take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome.

Disadvantage: the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position.

Acceptance: the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception.

Approval: a message expressing a favorable opinion.

Embossment: an impression produced by pressure or printing.

Advantage: the quality of having a superior or more favorable position.

Bottleneck: slow down or impede by creating an obstruction.

Chance: a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances.

Appear: give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect.

Successful: having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome.

Optimist: a person disposed to take a favorable view of things.

Computer Programing: creating a sequence of instructions to enable the computer to do something.

Affected: speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression.

Delusion: the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas.

Auspicious: auguring favorable circumstances and good luck.

Good Fortune: an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomes.

Appealing: able to attract interest or draw favorable attention.

Related Words

Attractive : دل کش

دام زیادہ لگا رہے ہو