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Puppy Love meaning in Urdu

Puppy Love Sentence

She told him it was just a puppy love.

Puppy Love Synonyms


Puppy Love Definitions

1) Puppy Love, Calf Love, Crush, Infatuation : کم عمری کی عارضی محبت : (noun) temporary love of an adolescent.

Useful Words

Agape : روحانی محبت , Bereft : محبت میں ناکام , Amorist : عاشق مزاج , Loveless : بے محبت , Ilu : میں تم سے پیار کرتا ہوں , Adore : اتہائی محبت کرنا , Fondly : آرام سے , Love : چاہنا , Ll : محبت کا خط , Lovesick : محبت میں ناکامی پر مایوس , Uncharitable : غیر خیراتی , Marriage Of Convenience : ایسی شادی جو کسی قسم کے مالی یا اور فوائد کی خاطر کی گئی ہو , Amative : عاشق مزاج , Loyal : محب وطن , Die : بیتاب ہونا , Amorousness : عاشق مزاجی , Love Story : پریم کہانی , Devotedness : نذر , Fall For : فدا ہونا , Amoristic : عاشق مزاجی سے متعلق , Ardor : عشق , False Lover : جھوٹا عاشق , Inamorato : معشوق , Loved One : پیارا , Nationalism : قوم پرستی , Lovable : پیار کے قابل , Inamorata : معشوقہ , Adoration : تعظیم , Heartstrings : شدید ترین جذبات , Loving : چاہنے والا , Adored : جس کی عبادت جائے

Useful Words Definitions

Agape: selfless love of one person for another (especially love that is spiritual in nature).

Bereft: unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love.

Amorist: one dedicated to love and lovemaking especially one who writes about love.

Loveless: without love.

Ilu: I Love You.

Adore: love intensely.

Fondly: with fondness; with love.

Love: be enamored or in love with.

Ll: Love Letter.

Lovesick: languishing because of love.

Uncharitable: lacking love and generosity.

Marriage Of Convenience: a marriage for expediency rather than love.

Amative: inclined toward or displaying love.

Loyal: inspired by love for your country.

Die: languish as with love or desire.

Amorousness: a feeling of love or fondness.

Love Story: a story dealing with love.

Devotedness: feelings of ardent love.

Fall For: fall in love with; become infatuated with.

Amoristic: of or pertaining to romantic love.

Ardor: intense feeling of love.

False Lover: a person who is not true in love.

Inamorato: a man with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship.

Loved One: a person who you love, usually a member of your family.

Nationalism: love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it.

Lovable: having characteristics that attract love or affection.

Inamorata: a woman with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship.

Adoration: a feeling of profound love and admiration.

Heartstrings: your deepest feelings of love and compassion.

Loving: feeling or showing love and affection.

Adored: regarded with deep or rapturous love (especially as if for a god).

Related Words

Love : پیار

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