Jinsi KamzuriNamardiMasoomiyatLarki PinnaKanwar Pinnay K...Khatoon SiftiZanana PanNiswaniyatQabil E Etemad ...BhrusaAtbarBe AitbaariBhrusa Na Kar S...MazbootiKhud SariNirala PanKamil PanAdam DilchaspiHuliaHuliya

قابِلِ اعتماد ہونے کی حالَت : Qabil E Etemad Honay Ki Halat Meaning in English

Qabil E Etemad Honay Ki Halat in Detail

1) وفاداری قابل اعتماد ہونے کی حالت : Trustiness Trustworthiness : (noun) the trait of deserving trust and confidence.


Useful Words

اعتماد : Assurance : freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities. "He told me with self-confidence".

لائق : Deserving : worthy of being treated in a particular way. "An idea worth considering".

خاصیت : Trait : a distinguishing feature of your personal nature. "This building of Istanbul is so beautiful because the trait of architect of this building is that he has mastered the art of sketching".

بھروسہ کرنا : Bank : have confidence or faith in. "Farhan trusted Kiran blindly that she would marry him by hook or by crook but she married to someone else".

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