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قصور : Qasoor Meaning in English

Qasoor Sentences


Qasoor in Detail

1 of 2) خطا غلطی قصور : Error Fault Mistake : (noun) a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention.

2 of 2) قصور جرم : Guilt Guiltiness : (noun) the state of having committed an offense.

Useful Words

فعل : Action : something done (usually as opposed to something said). "There were stories of murders and other unnatural actions".

قابل نسبت : Attributable : capable of being attributed. "The collapse of the movement was attributable to a lack of morale".

برا : Bad : having undesirable or negative qualities. "Where the bad smell is coming from room?".

جہالت : Ignorance : the lack of knowledge or education. "What is this Ignorance?".

عدم توجہ : Inattention : lack of attention.

رائے : Judgement : an opinion formed by judging something. "What you don`t get in this world will get on the day of judgment but condition is obey Allah".

غلط : Incorrect : not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth. "What`s wrong with you?".

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