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روانی : Rawani Meaning in English

Rawani Synonyms


Rawani in Detail

1 of 4) روانی لحجہ تال : Air Line Melodic Line Melodic Phrase Melody Strain Tune : (noun) a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence.

2 of 4) رواں روانی : Fluent Fluid Liquid Smooth : (satellite adjective) smooth and unconstrained in movement.

3 of 4) بہاو روانی : Flux Fluxion : (noun) a flow or discharge.

4 of 4) روانی بہاوٴ جاری میں آنے کا عمل : Effluence Efflux Outflow : (noun) the process of flowing out.

Useful Words

خاص : Distinctive : of a feature that helps to distinguish a person or thing. "Distinctive features of Iphone".

حرکت : Motility : a change of position that does not entail a change of location. "Your movement".

غور کرنا : Mention : make mention of. "She observed that his presentation took up too much time".

تسلسل : Sequence : serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern. "The content of the program should follow a logical sequence".

ہموار ہونا : Smooth : make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing. "Smooth the surface of the wood".

آزادانہ : Unconstrained : free from constraint. "He was unconstrained by any of the sanctions of polite society".

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