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Religious meaning in Urdu

Religious Sentences

Religious texts.
A religious man.

Religious Synonym


Religious Definitions

1 of 3) Religious : مذہبی : (noun) a member of a religious order who is bound by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience.

2 of 3) Religious, Spiritual : مذہب سے متعلق, روحانی : (satellite adjective) concerned with sacred matters or religion or the church.

A member of a religious order.

3 of 3) Religious : مذہبی, مذہبی شخص : (adjective) having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity.

Religious attitude.

Useful Words

Monasticism : راہبانہ زندگی , Chrism : مقدس تیل , Celibate : کنوارا , Cenobite : خانقاہ نشین , Habit : پادری کا لباس , Cloistered : خانقاہی , Friar : عیسائی راہب , Ayatollah : شیعہ مسلمانوں کا روحانی پیشوا , Convert : عقیدہ تبدیل کرنا , Guru : ہندووٴں کا مذہبی پیشوا , Nasheed : اسلامی نظم , Cultist : مقلد , Bursary : خزانہ , Brethren : برادری , Christian : عیسائی , Postulant : امیدوار , Friend : ایک مذہبی فرقہ جس کو دوستوں کی انجمن یا سوسائٹی کہتے ہیں , Act Of Terrorism : دہشت گردی , Devout : دین دار , Holy Day : مقدس دن , Catechise : مذہبی ہدایات دینا , Convent : خانقاہ , Hallowed : پاک کردہ , Believer : مذہبی عقیدہ رکھنے والا , Religionism : مذہبیت , Monastery : خانقا , Quietist : صوفی , Deeds : دستاویز حقیقت کی امانتی تحویل , Cultism : پرجوش عبادت , Sacrifice : قربانی کرنا , Homily : تبلیغی خطبہ

Useful Words Definitions

Monasticism: asceticism as a form of religious life; usually conducted in a community under a common rule and characterized by celibacy and poverty and obedience.

Chrism: Holy oil typically refers to an anointing oil used in religious rituals and ceremonies. It may be consecrated or blessed and holds symbolic significance in various religious traditions for spiritual purposes.

Celibate: an unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity.

Cenobite: a member of a religious order living in common.

Habit: a distinctive attire worn by a member of a religious order.

Cloistered: of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows.

Friar: a male member of a religious order that originally relied solely on alms.

Ayatollah: a high-ranking Shiite religious leader who is regarded as an authority on religious law and its interpretation and who has political power as well.

Convert: change religious beliefs, or adopt a religious belief.

Guru: a Hindu or Buddhist religious leader and spiritual teacher.

Nasheed: islamic song or poem, nasheeds often contain religious and spiritual themes without the use of musical instruments.

Cultist: a member of a religious cult.

Bursary: the treasury of a public institution or religious order.

Brethren: (plural) the lay members of a male religious order.

Christian: a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination.

Postulant: one submitting a request or application especially one seeking admission into a religious order.

Friend: a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers).

Act Of Terrorism: the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

Devout: deeply religious.

Holy Day: a day specified for religious observance.

Catechise: give religious instructions to.

Convent: a religious residence especially for nuns.

Hallowed: worthy of religious veneration.

Believer: a person who has religious faith.

Religionism: exaggerated religious zealotry.

Monastery: the residence of a religious community.

Quietist: a religious mystic who follows quietism.

Deeds: performance of moral or religious acts.

Cultism: religious zeal; the willingness to serve God.

Sacrifice: make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals.

Homily: a sermon on a moral or religious topic.

Related Words

Monastic : راہب , Pious : متقی , Churchgoing : عبادت گزار عیسائی , Churchly : کلیسائی , Interfaith : بین المذاہبی , Sacred : پاک

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