LihazMuhabbat Aamez ...Mushfaqana AndazEhsanFiyaziHamdardiKhail Kay Usool...Ghair JanebdarSaleeqaDhangMoqa ShnasiMaharatKarigariNuqsaan DaKinha ParwariSharHasBawla PanSangdilBe Dardi

سلیقہ : Saleeqa Meaning in English


Saleeqa in Detail

1 of 2) سلیقہ ڈھنگ ہوشیاری : Tact Tactfulness : (noun) consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense.

2 of 2) معقولیت سلیقہ شایستگی : Decorousness Decorum : (noun) propriety in manners and conduct.

Useful Words

غورو فکر : Consideration : the process of giving careful thought to something. "Consideration in business law".

معاملہ : Dealing : the act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities). "I am not in dealing terms with her".

فراخ دل : Big : given or giving freely. "Was a big tipper".

جارح : Discourtesy : a lack of politeness; a failure to show regard for others; wounding the feelings or others.

قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".

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