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سَنَد یافتَہ : Sanad Yafta Meaning in English

Sanad Yafta in Detail

1) سند یافتہ : Licentiate : (noun) holds a license (degree) from a (European) university.


Useful Words

سطح : Degree : a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality. "A moderate grade of intelligence".

یورپی : European : of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe. "European Community".

پکڑ : Clasp : the act of grasping. "He released his clasp on my arm".

کسی کام کو کرنے کی تحریری اجازت دینا : Licence : a legal document giving official permission to do something. "Salman got the work permit in UK after completion of his studies".

جامعہ : University : the body of faculty and students at a university. "She started to go in university".

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