Muhar DaakNishaan DaakFauji NishaanAala InaamSairanKhatre Ka JhandaGari Ka HaranEshara Dene Ki ...Sang E MeelMatnuChipaknay Wali ...Keemat NamaKaghazChmrayYaKandhy AchkanaHaath Halha Kar...Haath Hala Kar ...Haath Halakr Es...Adab Se Sar Jhu...

سنگِ میل : Sang E Meel Meaning in English


Sang E Meel in Detail

1 of 3) سنگ میل : Milepost Milestone : (noun) stone post at side of a road to show distances.

2 of 3) سنگ میل : Landmark Turning Point Watershed : (noun) an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend.

3 of 3) سنگ میل : Milestone : (noun) a significant event in your life (or in a project).

Useful Words

بہت آگے نکل جانا : Distance : go far ahead of. "He outdistanced the other runners".

چوکی : Military Post : military installation at which a body of troops is stationed. "This military post provides an important source of income for the town nearby".

شاہراہ : Road : an open way (generally public) for travel or transportation. "Road lying empty completely".

تماشہ : Show : the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining. "You have stolen the show".

طرف داری کرنا : Side : take sides for or against. "Who are you widing with?".

گٹھلی : Endocarp : the hard inner (usually woody) layer of the pericarp of some fruits (as peaches or plums or cherries or olives) that contains the seed. "Remove the stones".

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