SabHarHar KoiHar EkDonoKuch BhiJo BhiHal TalabSare AlaaitqadSidha SadhaSamaj Se NawaqifMuashi Tor Par ...Sood MandMunafa BakhshMazboot Muashi ...Bohat KhatarnakMaayariJhag DarCarbon Dai Aaks...

سریع الاعتقاد : Sare Alaaitqad Meaning in English

Sare Alaaitqad in Detail

1) سریع الاعتقاد : Credulous : (satellite adjective) showing a lack of judgment or experience.


Useful Words

تجربہ : Experience : the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities. "A man of experience".

رائے : Judgement : an opinion formed by judging something. "What you don`t get in this world will get on the day of judgment but condition is obey Allah".

کمی : Deficiency : the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. "By the way, food is well made but there us a lack of salt in the food".

فلم کی نمائش : Screening : the display of a motion picture. "Latest screening movies 2023".

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