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Scatty meaning in Urdu

Scatty Sentence

The scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence.

Scatty Synonyms


Scatty Definitions

1 of 2) Scatty, Rattlebrained, Rattlepated, Scatterbrained : بد حواس, کوڑھ مغز, بے فکرا : (satellite adjective) lacking sense or discretion.

2 of 2) Scatty, Absent, Absentminded, Abstracted : غائب دماغ, کہویا ہوا : (satellite adjective) lost in thought; showing preoccupation.

Useful Words

Indiscreet : نادان , Scentless : بے بو , Nitwitted : احمقانہ , Deaf-And-Dumb : گونگا بہرا , Simple : سادہ , Contrived : بناوٹی , Airhead : دماغ سے خالی , Short : چھوٹا , Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel : امریکی مسخرہ , Prudence : ہوشیاری , Discreetly : احتیاط سے , Arbitrary : من مانا , Neckless : ہار , Modality : خاص صفت , Literally : لفظی طور پر , Scented : مہکتا ہوا , Interpret : سمجھنا , Shamefaced : شرمانا , Sensitise : محسوس کرنا , Hearing Disorder : قوت سماعت کا مسئلہ , Hooey : فضول گفتگو , Foolishly : بے عقلی سے , Guilty : شرمسار , Interest : دلچسپی , Confuse : مخلوط کرنا , Mouth-Watering : منھ میں پانی لانے والا , Nose : سنگنے کی صلاحیت , Tasty : خوش ذائقہ , Vestibular : توازن سے متعلق , Churn Up : اخلاقیات تباہ کرنا , Have : پاس ہونا

Useful Words Definitions

Indiscreet: lacking discretion; injudicious.

Scentless: lacking the sense of smell.

Nitwitted: (of especially persons) lacking sense or understanding or judgment.

Deaf-And-Dumb: lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak.

Simple: a person lacking intelligence or common sense.

Contrived: something that is artificial, forced, or created with effort rather than being natural or spontaneous. It often implies a sense of being overly planned or lacking authenticity.

Airhead: a flighty scatterbrained simpleton.

Short: (primarily spatial sense) having little length or lacking in length.

Arthur Stanley Jefferson Laurel: United States slapstick comedian (born in England) who played the scatterbrained and often tearful member of the Laurel and Hardy duo who made many films (1890-1965).

Prudence: discretion in practical affairs.

Discreetly: with discretion; prudently and with wise self-restraint.

Arbitrary: based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or sometimes impulse or caprice.

Neckless: lacking or apparently lacking a neck.

Modality: a particular sense.

Literally: in a literal sense.

Scented: having the sense of smell.

Interpret: make sense of a language.

Shamefaced: showing a sense of shame.

Sensitise: cause to sense; make sensitive.

Hearing Disorder: impairment of the sense of hearing.

Hooey: senseless talk which has no sense .

Foolishly: without good sense or judgment.

Guilty: showing a sense of guilt.

Interest: a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something.

Confuse: assemble without order or sense.

Mouth-Watering: pleasing to the sense of taste.

Nose: the sense of smell (especially in animals).

Tasty: pleasing to the sense of taste.

Vestibular: relating to the sense of equilibrium.

Churn Up: cause aversion in; offend the moral sense of.

Have: have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.

Related Words

Foolish : بے وقوف

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